HeyU Issue 19 - 14 November 2014 | Page 5

We can draw on our diverse backgrounds to help us engage with the diversity of the wider community long after we’ve graduated. Queensland’s La Bohème as a member of the Toowoomba Chorus and is playing ‘Herr Zeller’ in the Toowoomba Choral Society’s production of The Sound of Music at the end of August. Justin’s top study tips: Justin says that one of the things he loves about being a USQ student is that he belongs to part of a diverse community. He says that his peers are from ‘all walks of life, often holding down part-time or full-time jobs while pursuing their education. They are actors, managers, mums, dads, refugees, lawyers and many, many more’. Justin believes that interacting with ‘this patchwork of people’ as USQ students, ‘we can draw on our diverse backgrounds to help us engage with the diversity of the wider community long after we’ve graduated’. • Working towards fulfilling a plan (perhaps a set date that you want to graduate by?) His definition of success is being able to use his degree ‘as a springboard to being able to make a difference in the world, to help people, and to leave a positive legacy’. • Plan ahead: I set out a plan for the week ahead every Sunday evening • Use each of your subjects as an opportunity to learn something new and develop new skills • Embrace the challenges along the way as opportunities to improve and grow