HeyU Issue 15 - 19 September 2014 | Page 12

Postcards from Abroad Studying abroad at USQ is the gateway to your Australian and Queensland experience. Amelia Wilcox PLACE OF STUDY: MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY “As my mum kept on saying, you can’t put a price tag on an experience like this!!” Guess who: Celebs with hidden disabilities Do you know these famous people who live with hidden disabilities? Did you know that 90% of disabilities are invisible to the naked eye? That pretty much guarantees every single day you’re interacting with people who are living with a disability you can’t detect. You’re also seeing these people on your TV, hearing them on the radio, reading about them in magazines and watching them on the big screen. Here are the clues to some famous men and women who live with hidden disabilities. Explore more on our Slideshare channel