HeMe November issue | Page 11

There are many benefits of quitting smoking. Of cause, it will save your money and your life too. In addition to those main benefits there are bunch of other advantages as well. Decrease risk of cancer, better body shape, good sense of smell and taste, your breath will never smell again, teeth will become less yellow, people around you will not find difficult to stay with you, lower the risk of infertility, smoking related cough, fatigue, cold and asthma attacks. If you are a pregnant woman you will have a lower risk of having problems as miscarriages, under weight babies and premature labours. SO YOU THINK YOU WANT TO QUIT SMOKING? YES. You have made a wise decision. Go work on it. You are never late. There are so many people, organizations and web sites are there to support you through. There are some methods which you can follow to quit smoking such as unassisted methods (“cold turkey” and “gradually decreased number”), advice of a physician, person to person HEALTHY LIVING biochemical feedbacks (monitoring of breath carbon monoxide & presence of Cotinine), Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), “cut down to quit”, competitions(“quit to win”), community involvement, psychological approaches, substitutes for cigarette, herbs and aroma therapy. Quitting can be harder, but never give up. Read other quitters success stories. Dream you are enjoying a healthy, fresh life with your loved ones. Always remember that the most precious things in life are hard to gain.