HeMe #5 | Page 29

Is that the smoked salmon and boiled broccoli makes a happy and a healthy family? In my opinion,this is really a happy family recipe with extra healthy attributes. Let us take a look at this quick recipe in a wider way. The recipe follows below The main ingredients are equal quantity of Broccoli and smoked salmon, or you may increase the quantity of broccoli, bunch of coriander leaves, mint leaves, and salt, one teaspoon of lemon and half a teaspoon of olive oil or grape seed oil. Mix the boiled broccoli, smoked salmon,salt, coriander,mint leaves and then add one teaspoon of lemon , half a teaspoon of pepper and mix them all, at last add the half a teaspoon of olive oil or grape seed oil and serve it. The fragrance and the magical mix of this variety of ingredients makes this salad a universal one , that makes each and every person loves it, hence this salad brings the family together and buy some happiness and a healthy time for them. Happy family salad ready!!!!!