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Fitness & Body weight Fitness is a state of health and well being. This can be achieved though exercise, nutrition, hygiene and rest. In today’s article we are going to talk about the body mass and how to reduce excess weight as well as how to gain weight if you are underweight. BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measure which you can evaluate whether your body is having the average weight. Try calculating yours using the below equation: BMI = Mass (Kg) (Height (m)) 2 If the BMI < 18.5 – underweight; 18.5-25 – Normal; 25-30 – Overweight; BMI >30 – Obesity. The much your BMI increases or decreases the risk of getting different chronic diseases increases. BMI Range 27.5 < 23.0-27.4 18.5-22.9 18.4 > Health Risk High risk of Heart diseases, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Stroke Moderate risk of Heart diseases, High blood pressure, Diabetes, Stroke Healthy range. Low risk of diseases. Risk of developing nutritional deficiencies and osteoporosis.