Hello Monaco magazine Spring-Summer 2018 - issue HM03 | Page 129

Keeping Monaco Healthy tion between nutrition and depression. It’s usually thought of as a strictly biochemi- cal-based disorder, or emotionally-rooted, triggered by a major stress or trauma. The medical establishment is now acknowl- edging that food and mood are inextrica- bly connected and that nutrition plays a key role in the onset as well as severity and duration of depression. There are several nutritional imbalances that can make you prone to depression such as: v Essential fats: Do you need more Ome- ga 3s or 9s? v Homocysteine: Is it too high? v Serotonin levels: Do they need boost- ing with amino acids? v Blood sugar: Is it in balance? v Vitamin D and chromium: Are your lev- els high enough? v Food intolerances: Could they be bring- ing you down? Multiple Medications Yet there is still a strong trend among psy- chiatrists to treat depression with different types of drugs, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), atypical antide- pressants, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). Side effects are common in all these medica- tions, and for many people, these effects are unpleasant enough to make them stop tak- ing the medication. Eat your way to a better state of mind Many people mistakenly think that de- pression comes from external sources — things that happen in our lives. While this is sometimes true, the reality is that what we eat and drink plays a key role in our mood and the way we see the world around us. Here are a few tips from a nutri- rus Депрессия — это общее состояние всего организма, затрагивающее людей всех возрастов и слоев общества, оказыва- ющее влияние на их настроение, мысли и поведение. Она напрямую влияет на то, как мы едим и спим, как относимся к самим себе и как общаемся с окружаю- щими нас людьми. Понимание природы депрессии является первым шагом на пути предотвращения и лечения этого состояния, а также избавления от свя- занных с ним стереотипов. Находитесь ли вы в депрессив- ном состоянии? Депрессия в корне отличается от слу- чайной хандры. Она характеризуется tionist to help ease depres- sion and boost your mood: 1. Eat some form of protein at each meal. This ensures you have plenty of trypto- phan, the amino acid that is need­e d to make seroto- nin  — the feel-good hor- mone. 2. Have a complex carbo- hydrate (with NO protein) three hours after your pro- tein meal. This boosts tryp- tophan to your brain (e.g. a wholegrain cracker or baked potato before bed). 3. Reduce or eliminate re- fined sugar and «white» foods to minimize the dip in endorphins that comes after the sugar high. 4. Make life changes that include medita- tion, music, orgasm, yoga, prayer, danc- ing — things that evoke or support the pro- duction of your own endorphins in a steady and consistent way. 5. Avoid all forms of sugar (including nor- mally «good» sweeteners such as honey, molasses and fruit juice). They deplete mood-enhancing B vitamins. 6. And another reason to avoid all refined sugar is that it causes your blood glucose levels to plummet, resulting in a sugar hangover that disrupts your mood, de- pletes your energy, and is linked to sleep disorders. 7. Reduce or omit wheat products from your diet – wheat gluten has been linked to depressive disorders. 8. Avoid diet drinks and other products (like yogurt) that contain the artificial sweetener aspartame. This additive can block the formation of serotonin and cause headaches, insomnia and depression. сильным желанием уйти и скрыться от общества, потерей интереса к обычным удовольствиям и деятельности. Среди распространенных симптомов также на- блюдаются хроническая усталость, на- 9. Light therapy can help. Exposure t