Helath Business 002 002 | Page 32

Policy & Regulations

Update on Tobacco Control Act and Action by Ministry to implement section 9 of the Tobacco control Act Cap 245A

The country signed and ratified the World Health Organization framework Convention on Tobacco control in the year 2005 May . This global convention expresses the will of about 6 billion people from 179 member states of the World Health Organization to enact strong policies to control tobacco and tobacco products use . This decision was informed by the rising burden of cancer and other non communicable diseases to which tobacco smoking is a risk factor .
The Kenya Government domesticated the WHOFCTC in line with the Kenya Constitution by enacting the Tobacco control Act Cap 245A of 2007 .
The expectation of the implementation required the MOH / stakeholders to come up with regulation to impact the broader issues as in the Act . The process of making regulations was started in 2009 and the draft regulations were gazetted .
Implementation of information , education and communication
The Tobacco Control Act Part 3 provides for information , education and communication and bestows this function on the Government through section 9 . This report therefore , provides achievements and milestones by the Government to realize this particular role .
• With the support from civil societies under the umbrella of Kenya Tobacco Control Alliance ( KETCA ) the Government has reached out to learning institutions with a purpose of educating young generation on effects of tobacco smoking . Almost 50 % of the institutions have been visited by Public health officers and health promotion officers .
• Awareness has also been created to the general public through the world no tobacco days celebrated on 31st May every year . This has been done through songs , plays and drama by various groups including University students . This has been with the support from World health Organization and partners dealing with Tobacco control in Kenya .
• The tobacco control board and the tobacco control units have frequently reached the general public through electronic media to inform them of harmful effects of tobacco smoking .
• The ministry has also reached out to the general public through print media by publishing the Tobacco control Act and the 2014 regulations .
• The awareness , information and education to the general public has been achieved through distribution of printed smokers ’ body . Currently the Ministry has distributed almost 2,000,000 smokers ’ body to all public and private institutions all over the country . Though the institutions were not sufficiently covered .
32 November-December 2016