Hebe Jebes May/Jun 2014 | Page 46

CLUB MATTERs Club Matters Ale Shek Marine Operations All hardstand boat-rack hiring members, please note that the racking space is solely for storing your vessels. No items should be kept within or underneath your racking space. The Marine Office will soon be clearing all such items without prior notice. 消防處在2月29日為會員及員工示範防火訓練,這是一個值得本會了解的消防服務,我們將繼續努力提高我們在防火方面的認識, 特別在安全和應急上的防火措施。 敬請各會員注意,在岸上泊位範圍,不可儲存或存放其他什物,如:橡皮艇、獨目舟、電油桶等以免阻塞通道及影響他人。如發 現任何什物,本會海事辦公室將自行處理而不作另行通知,敬請注意! As part of the new hardstand racking development, all vessels currently racked on the hardstand will have to be brought down to the grou