Hebe Jebes May/Jun 2014 | Page 40

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre 數名當地的小孩加入賽事, 他們就像跟小艇一起長大一樣, 航海表現非常優秀,。而我們於當地稍後,會有一場帆船賽事 進行。 Hebe Dragons隊員有機會跟當地選手比試,相信會是一場勢 均力敵的賽事。正當小孩在早上較技之時,部份家長進行遠足 活動,探訪當地土著的村落,了解他們的生活習俗。艱辛的路 途換來的是Manyangs族人的熱情款待和令人屏息的Muelle Bay美景。 到了下午時份,大家在海灘上放鬆一下和享受涼風。 On Wednesday, Pete suggested that the Dragons try some different dinghies. The fleet of Mirrors was ideal to accommodate both a Dragon sailor and a parent. Sure enough, not only were the kids competitive, also the parents seized their opportunity to measure themselves against each other on races. The start and end of the course was quickly determined. While we sailed out, Russ went ahead with the safety boat to place the buoy to turn around. Each time we got closer to it, the safety boat kept moving farther away. When we started thinking that we were going to end up circumnavigating the globe, we were relieved to see the marker was finally set on the other side of the bay. Despite the very long course, there was still a head-to-head final that was eventually won by Arthur and his dad Jerome. to Haligi Beach for lunch. While the kids and some parents sailed in their Mirrors around the island of San Antonio, the rest of the group boarded the 36’ Sandoway and sailed out towards Verde Island Passage for a joyride. 在晚上,海豚灣遊艇會邀請我們享受一頓美味又豐盛的咖哩自助 餐。在晚宴上,會長Tony Stephens向我們致歡迎辭,所有賓客 的熱烈掌聲令我們感到光榮。 星期四的集合地點定於Muelle碼頭的超級市場外,我們需要搜 購飲品和食物。當天的計劃是乘搭小艇和遊艇到Haligi Beach 享用午餐。部份小孩和家長乘搭他們的 Mirrors小艇前往 San Antonio島,其他人就登上 36呎的Sandoway到Verde Island Passage享受出海的樂趣。 In the strong breeze, the yacht was heeling to its edge and we made a round trip across the channel in no time. Russ navigated us to the beach where we met with the rest of the group and enjoyed the afternoon with drinks, snacks and music. At some point, the beach was even turned into a dance floor. It was quite a challenge to get everyone back on board to return to the Club before sunset. 在強勁的海風吹拂下,遊艇航行速度很快,我們在海峽來回,後來Russ引領我們到達海灘與其他人會合。整個下午,大家一同在海 灘上享受美食、飲品和音樂。有些時候,海灘變成了舞池,在日落前集合大家返回船上回程,實在是一個大挑戰。 到了星期三, Pete提議Dragons隊員試用不同的小艇。Mirrors船 艇適合搭載一名Dragon 隊員和一名家長,所以不僅是小朋友們 可以互相切磋,家長們也可趁機會比試身手。航行路線的起點和 終點很快便決定了,當我們啟航出海的時候,Russ 乘搭安全艇一 馬當先擺放浮標,好讓我們調頭。每當我們靠近浮標,安全艇就 會走遠一點。當我們以為我們在進行環球航行的時候,我們終於 看到於港灣另一邊的標記,大家都鬆了一口氣。雖然航行路線頗 長,但賽事爭持激烈,最後由Arthur和他爸爸Jerome勝出。 In the evening, a table was arra