Hebe Jebes Mar/Apr 2014 | Page 18

SLAM Sailing Centre Sunset Challenge & Bingo Nights 16 May & 13 June Due to popular demand the Sunset Challenge will be reintroduced to the Club, with a reduced number of races, on Friday nights, once a month during the school term. 由於賽事數目減少,在徇眾要求下,夕陽挑戰賽 (Sunset Challenge)將載譽歸來,於每學年每月舉辦一次,並定於 週五晚上舉行。 The event will enable anyone to get out onto the water in a fun and competitive spirit, and give everyone the chance to sail into the darkness on our fleet of club dinghies. 活動旨在讓會員寓比賽於娛樂,盡情享受夕陽西下後,揚 帆出海的樂趣。 我們會為參加者提供小型照明燈 (於24小 時慈善賽中使用),供參賽者捆綁於小型帆船上,於黑暗中 為參賽者導航。 We have small lights­ used by the 24-hr Race—that will be — attached to the boats so the competitors will be able to take the opportunity to sail in the dark, under the supervision of the Sailing Team. 緊接賽事會舉辦籌款活動,航海中心委員會將為少年航海 發展基金籌募資金,希望會員能踴躍出席週五晚上賽事, 共晋晚餐之餘,又能慷慨解囊,共襄善舉。 Following each race will be a fundraising event which the Sail Training Centre Committee uses to help raise funds for the Development Fund For Youth Sailing. Please come along and support the fund, play some bingo and have dinner at the Club one Friday each month. 16 Hebe jebes • Mar/Apr 2014 17