Hebe Jebes Jul/Aug 2014 | Page 8

Reports COMPETITION Last issue’s winning entry sent in by: Cameron Hestler Mark Ashton There was a jolly gree n man from Hong Kong Commodore Who claimed he was a Leprechaun As the story turns ou The Typhoon season has officially dawned and, with it, the HHYC Typhoon Series. Our thanks go to our main sponsor, Quest Yachting and our co-sponsors: Kangen Water, Adidas Eyewear, Fragrant Harbour, Mount Gay Rum and San Miguel beer. With Mount Gay Rum and San Miguel in the line up this year, no doubt the race parties will be well attended. The Helly Hansen Summer Saturday Series started on 14 June, after the time of writing this piece. Helly Hansen have sponsored one of the Club’s J80 sailing boats and outfitted the crew with Helly Hansen clothing. Co-sponsors are CTTIC Satellite Telephones, Mount Gay Rum and Carlsberg and our thanks go to them all. Again, I am sure that the after-race parties will go well. We continue to work on plans to shape changes to lease conditions to allow growth of our sail training and sailing support facilities with consultant MAP engaged to prepare these documents. We expect to display progress drawings and to arrange an interactive presentation to seek members’ feedback this summer. Our plans to rebuild the electricity substation have now been submitted to the Town Planning Board as part of the pre-construction approval process. One final word of thanks to Sarah Cook for her work to bring about the Caribbean Evening on 6 June. Members and guests were treated to some authentic Caribbean flavours by guest chef Mandy and some dazzling and not so dazzling ‘Ceroc’ dancing as we tried to keep up with the dance instructors and the rum took hold… t After a night on the sto ut He admitted to being quite Wong 隨著颱風季節來臨,白沙灣遊艇會的颱風盃帆船賽 (Typhoon Series)也展開了。感謝我們的冠名贊助 商Quest Yachting和贊助商Kangen Water、Adidas Eyewear、Fragrant Harbour、Mount Gay Rum和 San Miguel beer的支持。另外在Mount Gay Rum和San Miguel beer贊助賽事的啤酒下,相信今年的賽後派對會吸 引很多人出席。 Helly Hansen夏季周六系列賽(Summer Saturday Series)在我撰文之後,也在6月14日展開了。Helly Hansen為本會添置一艘J80 帆船,並贊助一系列Helly Hansen服裝給船員穿著。賽事的其他贊助商包括中交通信 (香港)、Mount Gay Rum 和 Carlsberg,在此衷心感謝 各贊助商的勇躍參與及支持。 我們與顧問公司MAP繼續就租約條款的修訂而努力,希望 令本會的航海訓練中心和設施得以發展。我們期望在這個夏 天,可以舉行答問會,向會員報告工作進度,及徵求會員的 意見。而我們已把重建變電站的計劃呈交城市規劃委員會, 作為施工前審批程序的一部分。 最後,我要向Sarah Cook致謝,她在6月6日為我們帶來了 精彩的加勒比海之夜(Caribbean Evening )。客席廚師 Mandy為會員和賓客準備了具加勒比海風味的佳餚,加上有 點令人眼花撩亂的