Hebe Jebes Jul/Aug 2014 | Page 36

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre Report from Timothée Bourrut Lacouture (HKG 301) Dear Hebe Jebes readers, I was lucky enough to go to Japan with Arthur, my teammate, Jess and Antonio from the Laser squad and, of course, Alfred and my father. Here is my report of those four days: 我很榮幸可以跟我的隊員 Arthur,以及Laser隊伍的Jess 和Antonio,當然還有Alfred 和我父親一起展開日本之旅。 這是4天旅程的日誌: 我們進行了一場練習賽,回來的時候參加了開幕禮。Jess帶了 一面很大的香港旗,Arthur和我帶了兩面小香港旗,而隊中年 紀最少的一個,更要拿著香港區徽,那個就是我。 Day 1 The first day, we arrived at the hotel in Japan pretty late, around 21:30 or 22:00. We met the Thai and the New Zealand teams quickly then we went to bed since the next day we were to have a sail training session! Day 2 On the second day, we went training. The wind was very strong! We had HK flags on our sails but we took them off at the end of the day or else we would have been disqualified for the racing days. Before going on the water, we met the teams: Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Denmark, Great Britain and China. Here is a list of all the countries: 第一天,我們很晚才抵達日本的酒店(晚上9時半至10時)。 我們跟泰國和新西蘭隊伍碰面後,就回房睡覺了,因為翌日要 出海航行,下水測試及進行練習賽了! 第二日,我們出海進行訓練。那天的風很強勁,我們的帆上掛 了香港旗,但後來要把它降下來,否則會被取消參賽資格。下 水前,我們跟日本、南韓、新加坡、丹麥、英國和中國等隊伍 見面。以下是參賽隊伍名單: • Japan 日本 • New Zealand 新西蘭 • Hong Kong 香港 • Thailand 泰國 • South Korea 南韓 • Singapore 新加坡 • Denmark 丹麥 • Great Britain 英國 • China 中國 • We had one race then, when we came back, we had the opening ceremony. We had a big HK flag that Jess has brought, two small HK flags that Arthur and I had brought and a big HK sign that the smallest of the team had to carry. That was me. 34 Hebe jebes • Jul/Aug 2014 Day 3 The third day was a racing day! We did three races and then came back for lunch. That day I finished 36th of 50 boats and Arthur was 29th. 第三天就是賽事日!我們進行了三場比賽之後就折返吃午餐。 總結當天成績,我在50艘船裡得到第36名,Arthur是第29名。 Day 4 The fourth day was a racing day as well! We had five general recalls with the AP flag up afterwards. After 25 minutes of AP we had AP over A—meaning no more races for the day. Day four was our last night in Tokyo. We went to a Japanese restaurant! The food was so nice! But the food is rarely sushi! They don’t eat much sushi… (他們是第一名)談談,了解他們的技術和致勝之道。但我們 太晚起床了,10時才吃早餐! Alfred、Jess和Antonio在清晨5 時已乘飛機回港,因此當我們後來在香港訓練時,Alfred問我 們有沒有跟丹麥隊談過,我們只好告訴他我們睡過頭了!真可 惜......但對我們所有人來說,這是一次很棒的經驗。謝謝白沙 灣遊艇會的支持和為我們準備漂亮的制服! Day 5 This was our last morning in Tokyo. The night before, Alfred had told