Hebe Jebes Jul/Aug 2014 | Page 16

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre After the briefing, we headed out and got straight down to business with some small races. At lunch we came back to RHKYC and talked about the afternoon session. Following that, we sailed out again and did a few more races. At the end of the day, we sailed back to the club, de-rigged, had our debrief—during which more push-ups were dished out. Next, we had a lecture—no, we weren’t being naughty!—on sail trim and sail setup in different types of wind and wave conditions. This was to be the programme for the following two days. On the way back home in the car, Nathan, Timothée and I had lots of things to share and we were all very tired but excited for the next day! I enjoyed myself very much during those three days and, though it was exhausting, it was great to meet all the top sailors. Every evening we had a different lecture and I learnt so much, so, special thanks to Alfie for persuading them to let us participate in this fantastic experience! 簡介會之後,我們立即進行數場小型比賽。午餐時我們返回香 港遊艇會,同時簡介了下午的程序。之後我們再次出海,並進 行了幾場比賽。 在這天的尾聲,我們回到遊艇會,解除裝備和聽取匯報,其 間又有人要做掌上壓了,不過犯錯的不是我們。然後我們要 聽課,內容是有關在不同的風勢和海浪情況下,如何為帆船 做準備。 未來兩天的程序大概也差不多。在回上,Nathan、Timothée 和我分享了很多事情,我們都非常疲倦了,但仍很期待明天的 來臨! 我非常享受這三天的訓練,雖然倦透了,但實在很高興可以跟 所有帆船高手較技。每天晚上我們都有不同的課堂,實在獲益 良多。我特別感謝Alfie說服大會讓我們有機會參加訓練營,令 我們有這個了不起的體驗! Hong Kong Race Week Regatta Words Grégoire Bourrut Lacouture With many sailors out of HK for the holidays, Alan, Bincker and Pei joined the weekend regattas. The RHKYC Race Week Regatta was the first HKODA ranking regatta of the year and comprised 11 races. The courses for the green fleet were located in front of Middle Island and the course for the main fleet was in the bay south of Stanley. Winds were light to moderate over the weekend with the middle day races completely cancelled due to lack of wind. About 15 boats were in the green fleet. Because of the distance between the two courses, Alfie had to rush to catch the start of each race. Lucky the green fleet started later than the others. The first race was monopolised by the Dragons with Bincker reaching both the top mark first and the finish first. Winds were generally light in general with few strong gusts to speed up the boats. The second race was led by a Macanese sailor, followed by the Dragons. Thereafter it was a real back-and-forth between them to secure a space on the podium. Rumour has it that Bincker slowed down a competitor while in first position in the last race to ensure Pei’s victory and allow for him to be on the podium with his teammates. Whether true or not, congratulations are due as Bincker finished in 1st position and Pei and Alan tied in 2nd place. Well done to all of you for these splendid results. It is also the first time for Hebe Haven to have a trio on the podium. In fact, Bincker’s brother Thorwen came 1st in the gold fleet so a 1st as well for the Uiterwaal family! 綠組的賽道位於熨波州對出,而主要組別的賽道就位於赤柱。 而比賽期間風勢是輕微至中等,其中一天的賽事更要被取消。 大約有15艘艇參加綠組的賽事。由於兩條賽道有點距離,Alfie 要急急來回兩條賽道,以免錯過起步時間,幸好綠組賽