Hebe Jebes Jul/Aug 2014 | Page 14

SLAM Sailing Centre SLAM Sailing Centre Dragons Squad News Words Grégoire Bourrut Lacouture inaugural Hong Kong Race Week 17 – 21 April For the first time, the RHKYC organised a full race week comprising a High Performance Camp and a full weekend of racing. Welcome to this new edition of Hebe Jebes. We hope you have all enjoyed this spring racing season, despite the heavy rain. Our Dragons were very busy over the past two months with up to four regattas including three ranking ones, a High Performance Camp, a trip to Japan for some and the usual Macau Regatta two weeks ago—not forgetting some exams for the older ones. As some of you may have noticed, the Dragons have been networking and—since early June—have had their own dedicated Facebook page. Please join them and keep up with the team’s latest by ‘liking’ them at: https://www.facebook.com/HEBEDRAGONS Please recommend this page to your friends and feel free to add some comments. This page is for you and for the Dragons and you do not need to be a Facebook user to look at it. It is now time to take a well-deserved break for the summer and we are already looking forward to September and the ABC Opening Regatta. 歡迎大家閱讀新一期Hebe Jebes。希望大家都享受剛過去的春 季,儘管那段期間下了滂沱大雨。Dragons隊伍在過去兩個月 非常忙碌,參加了共四個賽事,其中三個是排名賽;部份隊員 參加表現提升集訓營(High Performance Camp);部份隊 員要到日本參賽,還有兩星期前舉行的澳門帆船賽。別忘了, 有部份較年長的隊員更要應付學校考試。 相信你們已留意到,Dragons隊在6月頭成立了自己的Facebook 專頁(https://www.facebook.com/HEBEDRAGONS )。請告知 你的朋友「讚好」並留意Dragons隊的最新動向,不忘要回應 帖子!現在Dragons隊是時候稍事休息一下,為夏日和即將在 9月展開的香港仔遊艇會帆船賽(ABC Opening Regatta)做 好準備。 12 Hebe jebes • Jul/Aug 2014 New Dragon In late April, the Dragons welcomed a new member—Pasu CHU K.C, with the sail number HKG310: Hello, I am Pasu, aged 12. I am studying at Shatin Government Primary School. At the 2014 HHSSC Open Day, I met Alfred. He is a good coach. He knew my English was not good so he used his ‘little bit’ of Cantonese to talk to me. I have made lots of cool friends thanks to the Hebe Dragons. On 24–25 May was my first regatta. I did not get a good result so I will work hard like my coach. Thank you very much. 4月下旬,Dragons有一位新隊員加入,她是 Pasu Chu Kwai Chung,號碼 HKG310。 大家好,我是Pasu,今年12歲,在沙田官立小學就讀。在白 沙灣SLAM航海訓練中心(HHSSC)2014開放日,我遇見了 Alfred,他是個很好的教練。他知道我的英文不好,所以他 以他的有限廣東話跟我溝通。我在Dragons隊也認識了很多 朋友。 5月24和25日是我第一次參加帆船賽,雖然我的成績不太好, 往後我一定會跟教練繼續努力。 謝謝大家。 香港遊艇會(RHKYC)首次舉辦比賽周,活動包括表現提 升集訓營(High Performance Camp)和全周末賽事。 Nathan, Zoe and Timothée joined the HPC to train with the best sailors in Hong Kong. It was a great experience for the three of them despite the very strong winds. Nathan、Zoe和Timothée 參加了表現提升集訓營,跟香 港一眾頂級選手一起受訓。雖然遇上大風,但對他們三人 來說,這是個難得的經驗。 Easter High Performance Training Camp Words by Zoe Bruwer Nathan, Timothée and I were invited to participate in the three-day the High Performance Training Camp at Middle Island in April. Upon our arrival, we were greeted with suspicious looks as all the other sailors were in t H