Hebe Jebes Jan/Feb 2014 | Page 10

Reports Eric L. Stark Rear Commodore - Operations As we start another year, Operations would like to give thanks for all of the support we have received this past year at the Club, and we would like to ask that we all put our best efforts into understanding and helping with the changes Hebe Haven will face as we move forward in our lease renewal. As many have seen, the boatyard is being restructured to handle the racks being removed to meet the conditions set forth for renewal. Operations has been working diligently towards an interim solution for members’ boats coming off the racking that will work with the future replacement racking solution with a view to increase the number of members’ boats that can be accommodated at the Club. As always, we are looking to get as many people off the waiting lists and onto the water as quickly as we can. All of this said, Operations will work to minimise disruptions moving forward as much as possible. If anyone has any ideas or complaints to put forward, they are most welcome to express those to myself, Ale or Sarah, as always, and we will do our best to act on them. Operations is also working on revising the safety procedures at the Club as Hebe undergoes both temporary and long-term changes. These procedures will be sent to all club members and will be outlined in a future Hebe Jebes article. On the topic of safety, please note that security cameras are operational around the club grounds and if there are any incidents or theft, please report them to the Marine Office as soon as possible to enable us to do a timely follow up. Also in regards to safety, the mooring lines of some members’ boats have been tampered with when the vessels have been out of their berth. Please note that this is not only inconsiderate, but is also dangerous as many boats and owners leave their mooring lines in such a manner as to be able to safely return to their berth. Again, please let the Marine Office know as promptly as possible if your lines have been tampered with so the incident can be investigated. 邁向新一年,我謹代表執行處感謝各位於過去一年的支持, 我們投入全副心力為續約做好準備,致力了解及協調本遊艇會 面臨的轉變,相信大家亦留意到船廠重建工程經已展開,拆除 船架以求順利續約。 為容納更多船艇,本會將進行船架更新工程,我們正盡力落 實臨時解決方案,讓會員在工程期間能如常起缷船艇,而臨時 方案須與新設施兼容﹔一如以往,我們致力縮短輪候冊上名 單,讓會員能盡快揚帆出海。 總括而言,我們致力減少對會員構成不便,如您有任何意見 或投訴,歡迎隨時向 Ale 、 Sarah 或本人提出,我們均會慎重 考慮。 此外,由於本會會所正進行臨時及結構工程,我們正修訂安 全程序,稍後會在本會刊《Hebe Jebes》中披露,並發給所有 會員。 既然談及安全,我想提醒各位,會所保安攝錄機經已投入運 作,如任何會員不幸遇上事故或盜竊事件,請盡快向海事部辦 事處匯報,讓我們盡快跟進事件。另外,部分會員的船艇繫泊 纜在船艇駛離停泊位後遭受損壞,這不僅有損公德,更構成危 險,試設想一下,船主刻意留下繫泊纜,就是要讓自己能安全 返回停泊位,因此,我再次懇請各位,如遇上同類事件,請盡 快與海事部辦事處聯繫,以便展開調查。 謹祝大家一帆風順﹗ Nicole Arnulphy Rear Commodore - Sailing As we come to the end of 2013, I can’t help but look back on the past year. I have had the pleasure of spending time at reciprocal clubs both in Phuket, at the Ao Chalong Yacht Club, and in Kota Kinabalu, at the Kinabalu Yacht Club. Over the past 50 years, Hebe Haven Yacht Club members have made friends and created reciprocal arrangements with yacht clubs the world over. If you are interested, look on our website before your next trip to see if we have an arrangement with a club near where you are headed. Then contact Alan (our General Manager) and he can give you a letter of introduction, which will let you visit and use these other clubs. The Sailing Committee is currently working on providing more fun and family-friendly activities for our cruisers. Rob Winter is acting as our club’s representative to put together a joint rally for the long weekend in May. This will involve a day sailing to Lantau, followed by a party there, then moving on to Middle Island and the Aberdeen Boat Club, again, followed by a party. The final leg on the third day will involve sailing to Hebe Haven Yacht Club for one last shindig. For the racers, we are looking at race management and the best way to train up our keen sailors and interested members to be race officers. Watch this space for more information. January and February have some interesting and fun races coming up, including the single-handed and double-handed races, the Kowloon Cup and the start of the Spring Saturday Series. 隨著2013年步入尾聲,我驀然回首,回憶起自己在各聯繫遊 艇會歡度的時光,如位於布吉島的奧查龍遊艇會(Ao Chalong Yacht Club)、位於馬來西亞哥打京那巴魯(Kota Kinabalu)的 Kinabalu遊艇會等﹔回顧過去50年,本遊艇會與全球多個遊艇 會達成聯繫遊艇會協議,若然您有興趣,可查閱本會網站,追 查你下一個目的地附近會否提供聯繫遊艇會,然後聯絡總經理 Alan,他可為您寫一封介紹信,讓您在旅程中能享受聯繫遊艇 會設施。 海事運動委員會目前正策劃更多親子聯誼活動,本會代表 Rob Winter計劃於五月其中一個週末舉辦聯合賽事,包括首天 揚帆到大嶼山,晚上緊接盛大派對﹔第二日轉戰中間島及香港 仔遊艇會,晚上再緊接難忘派對﹔第三日揚帆返回白沙灣遊艇 會,再以盛宴為旅程畫上完美句號。 另外,我們正檢討賽事的編排,致力為滿腔熱誠的選手及對 航海充滿興趣的會員提供最全面的訓練及賽事,稍後會公佈詳 情,還請各位垂注。 一、二月將舉辦不少饒有趣味的大賽,包括單人及雙人賽、 「九龍盃」及「春季週六系列賽」。 我本人則熱切期待香港仔遊艇會主辦的Four Peaks Race,因 為賽事同時結合兩項我最喜愛的運動︰航海與越野跑! 最後,藉此機會,謹祝各位百尺竿頭,更進一步﹗希望下次 出海時,有縁與各位相遇﹗ Personally, I am looking forward to the Four Peaks Race hosted by the ABC as it includes two of my favorite sports: sailing and trail running! I am looking forward to another great year on and off the water a t Hebe Haven and I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2014. We hope you have an enjoyable and safe time on the water. 8 Hebe jebes • Jan/Feb 2014 9