Hebe Jebes Dec/Nov 2013 | Page 45

sail Training HKSF International Regatta (20 – 22 Sept) This regatta was a ranking regatta for the HKODA, i.e. it counted towards the Hong Kong national ranking. All the team was looking forward to racing against international competitors from Taiwan, the Philippines and, of course, the other Hong Kong clubs. Sadly, a few days before, we heard that a typhoon might come close to HK over the weekend. This did not deteriorate the mood and on Friday the whole SLAM Dragons team was on the water, including some sailors from the B team. Alfred called up all the Oppies and Laser sailors just before launching their boats to give them their long-awaited new SLAM uniform, which consists of a rash top, a life jacket, skiff shorts, gloves and a cap! All of them were so proud to wear them for the first time—despite some last-minute sizing issues! After a few AP flags, the first race was under way. As usual, a very good start for the Oppies and the Lasers, but a lack of wind forced the committee to shorten the race. In the Laser team, great performance from Ian Duncan who finished 2nd in the Laser 4.7 division! 今次大賽為香港OP級帆船協會計分賽,所獲得的分數會計入 香港總排名內,大賽吸引了國際級選手參加,包括來自台灣、 菲律賓及本港選手,大家都拭目以待。 可惜大賽前幾天,天文台忽然宣佈週末可能有颱風襲港, 幸好大家沒有因此而影響比賽心情。週五SLAM旗幟飄 揚海面,SLAM Dragons全隊連同一些B隊選手參與。Alfred 召集眾人,並發放全新、萬眾期待的SLAM制服,包括上衣、 救生衣、短褲、手套和帽子!儘管有少許尺碼問題,隊員最終 換上整齊制服,展露出自豪微笑! Ian Duncan On the Optimist part, the competition w