Hebe Jebes Dec/Nov 2013 | Page 44

sail Training ABC Opening Regatta 2013 (7 – 8 Sept) Left to right: Timothée Bourrut Lacouture, Zoe Bruwer & Arthur Hainz September 7 and 8 were certainly the best days in a long time, with a nice steady wind and a blue sky over the Stanley area for the first regatta of the new season. 9月7至8日,天朗氣清,久違了的藍天碧海,為赤柱第一場帆 船大賽揭開序幕。 After a very good start in most of the races (sometimes you could only see HHYC in the first three positions), our sailors tried to follow the others but too many tacks slowed them down. The first race went excellently, with Timothée reaching 18th position. In the second and third races, it was Arthur’s turn to catch up—making 18th place in the second and 16th in the third—with Zoe a few boats behind. As for Timothée and Nathan, they were left together trying to find the best path. The heat was strong at that time! At the end of the day, both Alfred and I thought they would be exhausted from their day and we would have a quiet journey back in the car. This was not the case at all—the entire race was forgotten and the team was in full shape to sing and laugh. James Johnston Our team, comprised of Arthur, Zoe, Timothée, Nathan and James Johnson (on Laser), was so happy to &6Rv