Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue SEP/OCT | Page 50

FEATURES FEATURES Sai Kung Rural Committee Inauguration The Opening Ceremony of the Kau Sai Sun Tsuen Village Hall in March this year gave members of the General Committee the opportunity to meet and now become friends with many local residents who play an active role in the Sai Kung community. The 33rd Sai Kung Rural Committee, established on the 1 April 2015 for a four-year term, invited our Club to be an Honorary Advisor to the committee, and CK, on behalf of the Club, attended their Inauguration Dinner held in July. This presents a welcome opportunity for Hebe Haven Yacht Club (HHYC) to be able to directly share our development proposals Words CK Chan and in turn, understand the progress of other projects in the neighbourhood during Council meetings. The Sai Kung Rural Committee is a body representing the welfare of all indigenous residents in the area. The Chairman of the Rural Committee is an ex officio member of the Sai Kung District Council. The Rural Committee has a very strong influence on the Sai Kung District Council and their comments are also very much respected by various Government Departments. We mutually need each other’s support to run charity events and to deliver community services positively and these formal meetings are an ideal way to work closely together. Attendees at the Sa i Kung Rural Comm ittee Inauguration 西貢鄉事委員會就職典禮 滘西新村禮堂開幕典禮於今年3月舉行,常任委員會成 員均藉此機會,與在積極參與社區事務的西貢居民會 面,成為好友。 第33屆西貢鄉事委員會於2015年4月1日成立、任期為 四年,本會獲邀擔任其名譽顧問,CK亦代表本會出席 於7月舉行的就職典禮晚宴。 這對白沙灣遊艇會(HHYC)而言實為良機,我們現可 在會議上直接分享遊艇會的發展計劃,另一方面亦更了 解其他項目在西貢的進展。 西貢鄉事委員會代表所有西貢原居民的福利。鄉事委員 會主席為西貢區議會的前官方委員。 鄉事委員會在西貢區議會甚具影響力,其意見亦深受各 政府部門尊重。在舉辦慈善活動及提供社區服務時,我 們均需互相支持。這些正式場合提供一個讓我們緊密合 作的理想方式。 48 HEBE JEBES • SEP/OCT 2015 Adidas has conducted the latest scientific research in order to help athletes perform at their best. Using the latest technology, Adidas’s sunglasses have hydrophobic lenses that shed salt water and dirt, helping athletes maintain a clear vision on rainy days or when doing water sports. The waterproof coating and the angle of the lens, help to discharge water. In addition to the best research and development in lens technology, Adidas has designed accessories which are user-orientated. A sponge accessory can be added to the Tycane Pro series to make the sunglasses more easily float on water. Adidas 太陽眼鏡為了幫助運動員發揮最佳狀態,對於旗下的 Performance太陽眼鏡進行了不同的研究。Adidas眼鏡的防 水塗層 – HYDROPHOBIC,令運動員在雨天或水上運動中都可 以保持最極視野。鏡片上的防水塗層,令雨水或海水只形成一 點點的小水珠。每顆小水珠與鏡片的角度約114度,比一般的 水珠更圓,更容易被排走。而鏡片上細鬆散的微粒會滾動的水 珠收集起來及排走,令鏡面更光潔明亮,保持清晰視野。除了 在鏡片技術的研發外,在配件上也有細心的設計。在 TYCANE PRO 系列上加上浮水海綿,就算眼鏡掉水裡也只會浮於水面。 Tycane Pro matt black / grey LSTTM Polarized Silver (with Hydrophobic technology) 49