Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue NOV/DEC | Page 34

SLAM SAILING CENTRE RACING (或會是家長的OP 賽) 2015 Sails East Port Shelter Regatta HKPN Division 香港仔遊艇會HKODA 聯合訓練營 A total of fourteen boats participated in the HKPN category and the competition was fierce. Ultimately, Elites 99 and Bits and Pieces captured overall 1st and 2nd with 7 and 8 marks, respectively. During the three races which took place over two days, Elites 99 received a 1st, 3rd and a 4th place and Bits and Pieces a 2nd, 3rd and 4th, respectively. Upcoming sailing events 15 November Around The Island Race (and maybe an OP race for the parents) 環島賽 28 – 29 November HKODA Joint Training in ABC 5 – 6 December ABC Southside Regatta (HKODA Ranking and final HKODA ranking ladder prize-giving) 32 HEBE JEBES • NOV/DEC 2015 香港仔遊艇會南區帆船賽 (HKODA 排名賽和年終HKODA 排名頒獎禮) The highlight of this race was the fantastic performance of Lazy Piggy. She ranked in the lower-middle class in the Summer Series with a 1523 HKPN handicap system which worked in her favour on entering this race. On the first day, the boat performed outstandingly capturing a 1st and 2nd place. On the second day, she took an 8th in the Around the Island Race and came an overall 3rd in this category with 11 marks. We are delighted to see her progress. Lazy Piggy, keep it up! Words Bridget Chan 在牛尾海帆船賽中,一共有14艘帆船參加HKPN 組別。競爭相 當激烈,最終由兩艘表現相對較穩定的 Elites 99 及 Bits and Pieces,分別以7分及8分的總成績奪得此次組別的總第一及第 二。在兩天3場比賽中 Elites 99 取得1場第一、1場第三、1場第 四;而 Bits and Pieces 則取得第二、第三,及第四各1場。 Lazy Piggy 的表現是此次組別的一大亮點,此船在剛過去的夏 季賽事都在中下游位置,因而其 HKPN 讓分系數亦調整至1523 ,從而亦為她進入此賽事帶來一定的優勢。此船在第一天有非 常突出的表演,在相對要求船隊整體表現較高的繞泡賽中取得 1場第一名及1埸第二名。第2天環島賽排名第八,最終以總績 分11分,奪取了這組別的第三名。很開心見到她的進步,Lazy Piggy 繼續努力吧! 33