Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue May/Jun | Page 10

REPORTS REPORTS Alan Reid General Manager Summer is almost upon us and more members will be taking advantage of the weather to get out on their boats. For the cruising yachts, the Cruiser Owners Association has again organised their three-day Mid-Summer Rally which begins on 23 May. More information can be found on the COA website. Members may have noticed that the very tall gum tree on the bank between the road and the Club has been cut down. The tree was bereft of leaves and, when checked by the Government arborist, the decision was taken to cut it down. As can be seen from the picture opposite, the tree suffered from internal damage. Thankfully this was found before the tree fell over in typhoon conditions. The F&B department experienced problems with the roasting quality of the coffee beans supplied to the Club. We have sourced a new supply of coffee beans, which has rectified this problem, and I hope members will taste the difference when next at the Club. We are also offering Nespresso coffee in Ristretto, Expresso Forte, Lungo Forte and Lungo Decaffenato. F&B have also revised the all day breakfast. Why not stop past the Club and try the Big Hebe Breakfast? Mandarin and Tagalog. Eddie has a great voice so come along to hear him sing and request your favourite song. Kau Sai Chau Village—the village on the opposite side of the main road, to the West of the Club—had the opening ceremony for their new village hall recently. The hall is the new building located next to Hebe One O One. Contrary to common belief, the Club is not located in Pak Sha Wan but in Kau Sai Chau San Tsuen. The Club was invited to the opening of the hall as we gave a donation for the building fund. Please see the pictures in this issue’s Shutterbug (page 56). The Club will hold this year’s Clean Pak Sha Wan Day on 19 September. The Sustainability Committee plans to make this event a whole-day family event with games, music, dinghy race, competitions and a BBQ alongside the cleaning up of the beaches and trails. Please mark this date in your diaries. Hebe is one of the few Clubs in Hong Kong that allow dogs on the premises. May I remind members that the bye-laws state that dogs should be kept on a lead at all times whilst on the Club’s premises. 夏天將至,越來越多會員趁著天氣好轉,揚帆出海。遊艇方面, 船主協會將於5月23日再次舉辦為期三天的仲夏帆船大賽。詳情 可瀏覽船主協會網頁。 會員可能會留意到本會和馬路間的路肩一棵很高的桉樹被斬斷 了。這棵樹的葉已枯盡,政府的樹藝師檢查後決定把它斬掉。 在以下圖片可以看到,樹杆裡面已腐爛不堪了。幸好及早發現情 況,可以避免樹木在颱風來襲時倒下。 餐飲部最近發現供應給本會的咖啡豆烘烤品質有問題。我們已尋 找新一批咖啡豆,改善了這個問題,希望各位會員下次來喝咖 啡時會品嚐到不同之處。我們也有供應Nespresso 的 Ristretto、 Expresso Forte、 Lungo Forte 和Lungo Decaffenato咖啡。 餐飲部也改了全日供應的早餐。何不在本會稍作停留,品嚐一下 Big Hebe Breakfast? 接下來是餐飲部的消息,星期五晚在餐廳加設現場樂隊表演。 負責演唱和彈結他的Eddie為大家準備一系列英文、粵語、普通 話和泰文歌曲。Eddie有把好嗓子,請來欣賞他的演出和點唱。 滘西洲村—本會西面馬路對面的村落—最近舉行了新村公所開 幕禮。新的村公所就在白沙灣One O One旁邊。與一般看法 相反,其實本會並非位於白沙灣,而是座落於滘西洲新村。 本會曾捐錢予興建基金,並獲邀出席村公所的開幕禮。請參閱 Shutterbug內的圖片(頁56)。 本會將於9月19日舉行一年一度的「清潔白沙灣日」。可持續發 展委員會計劃把這項活動延伸為全日的親子活動,除了清理沙灘 和山徑之外,還加入遊戲、音樂、小船賽、比賽和BBQ。請在你 的日記裡記下這個日子。 白沙灣遊艇會是本港少數容許攜帶狗隻進入的會所。容我在此提 醒各位會員,本會附例規定所有在會所範圍內的狗隻在任何時候 都必須繫上狗帶。 祝風平浪靜 Alan Reid 總經理 Wishing you fair winds and calm seas. Also on the F&B front, we have introduced live music on a Friday evening in the restaurant. Eddie, who sings and pl ^\H