Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue Mar/Apr | Page 8

Reports Reports Mark Ashton Commodore Here’s wishing our members and families Kung Hei Fat Choi for the Year of the Goat or Ram—depending on your preferences. Congratulations go to yacht Ichiban on winning this year’s Kowloon Cup—two glorious days of round-the-islands sailing and thanks go to race officers CK Chan, Bridget Chan and AROs Nikki Sugden and Eric Tomter. Those who attended this year’s New Year’s Eve Ball were treated to a fantastic party with Head Chef Eric turning out a top notch feast. This year’s Pipers from the Scouts were a real treat, our DJ found his audience and soon we were ready for breakfast.This year’s New Year’s Day BBQ at Hap Mun beach was very well attended and, thanks to some lively participation by the young at heart, the beach games were a big success. Our thanks go to all our staff who supported a great evening and the survivors party the next day. site investigation and preliminary design for the new boat rack system. This has obtained planning approval and must now go through the Building Department process. Our future improvements are reliant on successful negotiation of lease terms, most importantly to increase the permitted built area. Club Committee Structure 2014/2015 I am pleased to report that the General Committee has recently ratified a document setting out the Club’s committee structure, roles and responsibilities. This booklet, entitled Policy and Guidelines for Club Committees is intended to make these matters accessible to all members. I do hope that it will inspire some to think about how they could help the Club by getting involved in areas where they have specific skills and interest. As times and tastes change, we need members to help steer our services, events and priorities and keep the Club on course. Kung Hei and Yat Fan Fung Suen! The replacement of the existing substation will be completed in October of this year. This is the last of the activities needed to allow us to renew our lease. In the interim, we are conducting Kind regards, Mark Ashton Commodore 我在此恭祝各位會員和他們的家人羊年恭喜發財! 准,現在必須通過屋宇署的程序。我們未來的改善計劃要視乎 續租方面談判是否成功,最重要的是增加允許的建築面積。 恭賀帆船Ichiban 奪得今年的九龍盃—精彩的兩天環島賽事。 我也感謝賽事總監CK Chan和Bridget Chan,以及助理賽事 總監Nikki Sugden和 Eric Tomter。 我相信所有出席了除夕舞會的朋友都享受了美妙的派對,總廚 Eric為我們帶來了頂級盛宴。今年的Pipers from Scouts實在 一流,而DJ 的音樂讓人沉醉,歡樂的時間瞬間過去,很快就 到早餐時間了。 今年在廈門灣泳灘舉行的元旦日海灘BBQ非常熱鬧。感謝各位 懷有赤子之心的朋友們的參與,令到沙灘遊戲空前成功! 我也 要謝謝員工們協助晚間的工作,以及翌日的生存者派對。 在CK的專欄裡,他提到更換變電站的工作預計於今年10月完 成。這是我們尋求續租的最後一項工程。工程期間我們進行 了現場勘察和初步設計新的船架系統。這項工程計劃已得到批 6 Hebe jebes • mar/apr 2015 我很高興告訴大家,執行委員會最近通過了文件,詳列了本會 委員會的架構、角色和職責。這本名為 《會所委員會政策和指 引》(“Policy and Guidelines for Club Committees”) 的小冊子將會有助會員了解這方面的事情。 我希望這本小冊子 會可啟發一些人去想想,如何透過參與他們具有專長和興趣