Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue Mar/Apr | Page 74

Announcement Notification of proposal to enhance rules governing wait lists for marine facilities Dear Members, 親愛的會員: In order to enhance the ease of transfer of marine facilities (including swing moorings, pontoon moorings and hard stands) at the Club, a proposal—to amend the current approach to the rules governing the waiting list for marine facilities—was tabled at the last General Committee meeting. This was made following extensive consideration by the Operations Committee—including consideration of member feedback following the explanatory article previously published in Hebe Jebes. After discussion, votes were counted—after abstention of GC members whom would be directly affected by this decision—and the proposal was confirmed by a majority vote. Two decisions were made as below. 為了令本會海事設施(包括浮橋泊位、浮泡泊位和岸上泊 位)的轉讓程序更加方便,執行委員會在上一次會議提出 修改目前管理海事設施輪候的規則。海事執行委員會在較 早前於Hebe Jebes上刊登文章解釋有關事項後,收集到 各會員不同的意見,經過廣泛考慮,就此議題提出了一些 建議,並隨即進行投票,在所有受有關修改建議影嚮的會 員均投以棄權票之情況下,方案仍獲大比數通過。我們作 出了以下兩項決定: 1. It was decided to amend the waiting list and ‘grandfather rights’ rules which apply to existing marine facilities as follows: • • • • facilities transfer rights would be extended to all Members holding a marine facility agreement with the Club , subject to them currently having held a vessel at that facility for a minimum period of not less than five (5) years; facilities transfer rights would be extended to all Full Members holding a marine facility agreement with the Club, subject to them currently having held a vessel at that facility for a minimum period of not less than three (3) years; facilities transfer rights could be extended, subject to voting by the Operations Committee, to Members whom warranted special consideration due to circumstances of bereavement or relocation affecting spouses and other recognised partnerships; when an existing facility becomes free, the priority for allocation will continue to be governed by the waiting list. Note that in all cases, marine facilities may only be held by Senior Associate, Corporate Nominee and Full Members of the Club 2. It was decided that these changes would be communicated to membership at the earliest opportunity, and that they would not be enacted until a three-month consultation period had occurred. During this time, the exact wording of any affected Articles and Bye Laws would be finalised. If you have any comments on the proposed enhancements, please forward them to: [email protected] on or before 31 March 2015. Regards Mark Ashton Commodore 72 Hebe jebes • mar/Apr 2015 1. 本會決定修改適用於現時海事設施的輪候名單和「祖父 優先權」如下: • • • • 設施轉讓權將擴大到與本會所有已達成海事設施協議 的會員,而該會員的船隻現時已使用該設施不少於 五年; 設施轉讓權將擴大到與本會所有已達成海事設施協議 的正式會員,而該正式會員的船隻現時已使用該設施 不少於三年; 在海事執行委員會投票決定下,設施轉讓權可擴大至 因喪親或搬遷而影響配偶及其他認可的夥伴關係而獲 特別考慮的會員; 在現有設施許可的情況下,分配