Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue Mar/Apr | Page 72

Announcement Announcements Does your Club need you? In this article, I would like to explain a little of how the Club’s committee structure is configured and some of the matters upon which the committees are now engaged. The committee arrangements, roles and responsibilities are set out in a booklet entitled Policy and Guidelines for Club Committees. These are in line with our constitution—the Articles and the Club’s Byelaws, effectively the rules binding the General Committee and the rules binding membership. Q. Why do we need the booklet? A. The Articles are written in lean, legal prose and are quite ‘spare’ on details. They talk about what, but not necessarily how. This leaves General Committee some leeway on the how, but does not give much insight into how things are actually done. The booklet helps fill that gap and provide guidance for new committee members. This is particularly important when we have changes in staff or committee membership to ensure continuity and stability. Q. What’s new? A. Very little has been changed but importantly we have introduced two new committees. The first—the ‘Sustainability Subcommittee’ is intended to take stewardship of various environmental initiatives and to elevate the previous Clean Pak Sha Wan Day into a significant event, joining hands with other community groups. The second committee is the Nominations Committee. This is an advisory group, with members yet to be appointed , intended to act as a ‘talent scout’ to make suggestions to GenCom on upcoming new committee members. Note that this will run alongside our usual process of voting new GenCom members so we are not encroaching on our democratic principles. Q. What are the committees doing now? A. To give you a small sample of current special business, i.e. in addition to the normal processes of budgetary and service oversight, here is a list of some of the things we are working on now: 1. GC • Budgetary and service level oversight • IT upgrade • Balloting for new members • Publication of the Hebe Jebes and the Club’s media profile 70 Hebe jebes • mar/Apr 2015 會所需要你嗎? 2. CDC • Design, procurement and construction of the new substation • Lease renewal • Lease-term modification and development phasing • Various projects to enhance the coordinated aesthetic appearance of the Club 我會在本文講解一點本會的委員會架構組成,以及委員會 正在進行的事項。 • • 委員會的安排、角色和職責已詳列於名為《會所委員 會政策和指引》(“Policy and Guidelines for Club Committees”)的小冊子。它符合我們的憲章—本會會 所章程和附例,有效地規範執行委員會和約束會員。 3. Operations and Facilities Management Committee • Overseeing marine facilities service and charging policy • Interim operating arrangements during lease renewal • Replacement racking system • Development of the mooring facilities 問: 為甚麼我們需要這本小冊子? 3. 運營與設施管理委員會 • 監督海事設施的服務和收費政策 • 續租期間的臨時營運安排 • 更換船架系統 • 發展泊位設施 4. Sailing Committee • Organisation and oversight of the Club’s racing programme • Development of cruiser events in conjunction with the COA and other clubs • Development of race management skills and volunteers • Development of the sponsorship programme 5. Sail Training Centre Sub Committee • Development of the Hebe Haven sail training programme. • Development of the squad training and racing event participation • Bridge building for dinghy to keelboat sailors • Development of the sponsorship programme 6. Events and FnB Subcommittee. • Ongoing development of the events programme • Overseeing menu, features and service 7. 24HR Charity Dinghy Race Committee • development of the event format and future • Sponsor and charity relations 8. Sustainability Subcommittee • Stewardship of various initiatives to improve the Club’s environmental performance • Development of the Clean Port Shelter Day If you would like to know more about committee work or have skills that you think might assist the Club, even on an ad hoc basis, please come forward, either to the committee chair or to any member of GenCom to find out more and to give us any suggestions or ideas you believe may be useful. 答: 會所章程是以精練和法律句語來寫成,而且很多細節 都有疏漏。它述說了「甚麼」,但沒有交待要「如何」。 這讓執行委員