Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue JUL/AUG | Page 8

REPORTS REPORTS Mark Ashton Commodore It gives me great pleasure to welcome our new GM, Lisa Keatley, back to the Club and no doubt by the time you read this, many will have spoken to Lisa already. Lisa is keen to get a measure of member’s expectations and suggestions for the F&B offering and our social events, to revitalise these important areas. The search for our next Sailing Centre Manager is proceeding well and we have shortlisted candidates from a strong field. The Hebe Open Summer Regatta, held on 30 and 31 May was a great success, with over 100 entrants out on the water including the fleet of 303’s and 2.4’s from Sailability. The Club was pleased to welcome teams from the Guangzhou Sailing Club, Sea School, HKSF, RHKYC, also Tai Mei Tuk sailing club and ABC. The Centre staff and volunteer effort behind an event like this is huge. My sincere thanks go to all of those who helped out at and before the weekend and special mention to Race Officer Charlie Manzoni and Nigel Slattery. With regards to our Club premises, having energised our pole transformer and removed the old substation, we have received a four month extension to the lease holdover, which we hope is a precursor to lease renewal. We are engaging with the authorities to promote our plans for club development including an extension to the dinghy area in the old Shell Land. We will hold a forum for members to update on the progress in this area before the AGM. 6 HEBE JEBES • JUL/AUG 2015 September will be a busy month, we have revitalised the format of our old Clean Pak Sha Wan day. These events have gained traction in most yacht clubs around the world and the sustainability subcommittee have pulled out the stops to make the Hebe event a special one, so please lend your support and have fun on the day (see details on back cover of this issue). This year’s AGM will be held on Friday 11 September in the Garden Bar, where we present a round up of the Club’s business and elect next year’s General Committee. We look forward to seeing you there. Two final appeals from me, the first is to help us find sponsors for the 24 HR Charity Dinghy Race. We have not managed to fill the slots for the main sponsor, which can be in conjunction with joint or second-tier partners. These are very modest commitments and a great way to promote the brand and values of a business or enterprise. If you think that you might be able to help, or to connect us with someone who can, please talk to GM Lisa Keatley. 相信大家和我一樣,都十分高興Lisa Keatley返回白沙灣遊艇 會,她已接任總經理要職。Lisa明瞭會員的期望,亦為我們的餐 飲和社交活動提供意見,並在這些重要的範疇中注入新元素。 遴選下任航海訓練中心經理的工作也進行得十分順利,我們已 從芸芸精英中發掘了幾位人選。 另外,白沙灣夏日帆船公開賽在5月30及31日舉行。是次活 動獲得巨大成功,我們熱烈歡迎逾100位來自不同團體的參賽 者,包括Sailability的303和 2.4船隊、 廣州遊艇會、香港航海 學校、香港帆船運動總會、香港遊艇會、大尾篤和 香港仔遊 艇會。全賴航海訓練中心的職員和義工付出的努力,才能舉辦 如此大型的活動,感謝各位的幫助,特別是競賽裁判Charlie Manzoni和助理裁判Nigel Slattery。 另外,我們廢用了舊的變壓櫃,改用了效能高的桿式變壓器, 成功獲得四個月的租約延期,希望日後