Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue JUL/AUG | Page 18

SLAM SAILING CENTRE SLAM SAILING CENTRE HKODA Regatta, Tai Mei Tuk: 23 – 24 May Tai Mei Tuk is one of the locations on the HKODA circuit hosting their first ranking regatta. All our sailors were pleased to be back at last year’s Nationals venue. Most of Hong Kong’s fleet were there with 65 boats all on one starting line. After no racing on Saturday, by Sunday, the weather had improved. After a long hour ashore under an AP flag, the RO gave the launching signal and finally the first warning signal at 11.55 in very light winds. The fleet managed to sail three races between some showers. These conditions were to the advantage of the lightbodied sailors such as Nicolle, Jasmine, Pasu and Nathan who finished in the first 20. Half of the fleet did not finish the first race within the time limit. Bincker secured his best place in a regatta by finishing 8th (at one point he was just behind his brother in 5th place)! Nathan achieved an excellent 18th in the same race. The second and third races saw a fierce battle from the bottom mark to the top mark between Dolf Henriksen, Duncan Gregor and Arthur (who lead much of the race) with multiple tacks to the finish line. Dolf and Duncan managed to block Arthur and overtake just on the finishing line. While these three were busy duelling, Lana Davies appeared from the other side of the course to steal the second and third position after Dolf and Arthur. Words Grégoire Bourrut Lacouture HEBE HAVEN REGATTA REPORT: 30 – 31 May 星期六的賽事因惡劣的天氣而取消。星期日幸好天氣轉好。在驟 雨中,所有船隊都能完成全部三項賽事。對於身段輕盈的選手來 說,這個情況有利於他們航行,因此Nicolle、Jasmine、Pasu 和Nathan都排名在頭二十名之中。有一半的船隊都未能在時限 內完成首輪比賽。Bincker發揮水準,穩奪第八。他在比賽中甚 至曾經緊隨著他的哥哥,在第五位置!在同一場次,Nathan勇 奪第十八名。第二和第三場比賽中,Dolf Henriksen、Duncan Gregor和Arthur鬥得難分難解,他們互相多次搶風行駛。在他 們作戰中,Lana Davies繞道突圍,成功跟隨在後。雖然Arthur 大部分時間都領先,Dolf和Duncan一直都擋著Arthur,最後終 於超越了他到達終點。Lana Davies順利繼Dolf和Duncan之後 奪得第二和第三名。 Hello, my name is Gabriela and I am from Barcelona, Spain. I am 10 years old and I am very energetic, I’m always full of beans! My second regatta was at Hebe Haven. The night before I was so excited I could hardly sleep. Saturday was a good day for me because I was 20th! Sunday I was rewarded by my coach because I did a really good job. I felt so happy that Monday morning I was still smiling! 在回岸途中,一場突如其來的風暴席捲了還有一半在海面上的船 隊。幸好惡劣天氣只持續了二十分鐘,我們仍能舉行頒獎典禮。 My coach, Alfie, is strict and funny and I like him! My teammates are very nice to me. I am new at this and there are many expert people who are always glad to help me! I hope that one day soon I will win a regatta. On that day I am sure I will feel like I am in heaven! 感謝大家的努力,我們明年再見面吧! My mother’s advice before the regatta was, “The most important thing is to arrive, no matter if you don’t win.” She was afraid I might get lost in the middle of the sea! I have many good memories already from being a Hebe Dragon! Words Gabriela Pascual 大家好,我叫Gabriela,來自西班牙巴塞隆納。我今年十歲, 我是個無時無刻都充滿活力、精神奕奕的女孩。 我的第二次帆船賽是在白沙灣遊艇會參加,前一晚我更興奮得 不能入睡呢!星期六的賽事我奪得第二十名,我為自己而感到 驕傲,星期日教練都有獎勵我呢!這令我開心了好幾天。 媽媽常說:「無論輸贏,能回來就好了!」她一直都擔心我會 在茫茫大海中迷失方向。雖然加入Dragons隊不久,我已有很 多美好的回憶了! 我們的教練Alfie雖然既嚴格又風趣,我很喜歡他和我的隊友。 我有任何不明白的地方,他們都樂於教導我。 我希望能在帆船賽中獲得勝利,這一定讓我感到萬分快樂,猶 如置身於天堂一樣! On the way back to shore, a sudden storm caught half the fleet. Luckily it lasted only 20 minutes which allowed the Racing Authorities to host the traditional prize-giving party. Thank you Tai Mei Tuk for all the hard work you put into this regatta and we all look forward to coming back next year! 於多個場地,包括大尾督,舉行了香港OP級帆船會主辦的首個 排名賽。繼去年錦標賽後,所有船員都很高興能回到這個熟悉的 地方。大部分香港船隊都有參加,共有六十五艘船一同出發。 16 HEBE JEBES • JUL/AUG 2015 17