Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue JAN/FEB | Page 28

SLAM Sailing Centre A few fun pictures taken over the course of the Nationals Last issue’s competition winner Well done to Kay Patterson for submitting the winning caption below... Fully equipped on Alfie’s rib for live transmission of the Nationals (Wi-Fi hot spot, computer, powerbank) Alfie的肩膀上掛著齊全的裝備來為Nationals帆船賽作現場轉播 (無線網絡熱點、電腦、隨身充電器等) One more sticker, four more to go before retiring! 再來一張貼紙,在你退休前還有四張! CK Chan takes first place in Hong Kong’s inaugural disco dancing competition! Rafael Di Donna trying to catch up with the Dragons Rafael Di Donna試圖趕上Dragons隊 This issue’s competition... For your chance to win a bottle of Mount Gay Rum, simply caption this issue’s image. The best submission will earn the writer a bottle of the good stuff! A new style of decoration in Pasu’s room Pasu房內的新裝飾 26 Hebe jebes • jan/Feb 2015 Send your funny captions for this issue’s image to: [email protected] or simply fill in an entry form in the restaurant and place in the submission box. Remember though, keep your entries family friendly!