Hebe Jebes 2015 Issue JAN/FEB | Page 12

Reports Reports Eric L. Stark Rear Commodore - Operations Once again, the Operations Committee asks that we all put forward our best effort in understanding and helping with the changes Hebe faces as we move forward with our lease renewal process. The Chinese New Year service special arrangements have not yet been decided, keep an eye on the Club’s website and noticeboard. As always, please have an enjoyable and safe time on the water. As the holiday season approaches, Ops would like to offer the best wishes of the season to everyone. The winter period is a period of big activity in the boatyard, not only with members taking the chance to service their boats but also with the Marine Department carrying out a lot of repair, refurbishment and new works. This period is chosen to give members the least amount of downtime and aggravation when using the boatyard. To this end, we will be replacing the wood fenders along the pontoons, so please take note when looking to come alongside and choose an area free of maintenance work. We shall also be replacing the rubber fenders in the lifting zone to better protect boats coming in and out of the water. 再一次,海事執行委員會希望各位會員能諒解,和盡力協助本 會面對因為續租問題而出現的改善工程。 佳節將至,海事執行委員會祝大家節日愉快!每年冬天是船廠 的繁忙時間,會員們可以趁機會維修他們的船隻,另外海事處 為了減少會員們受阻的時間和提高船廠的負載能力, 船廠在這 段期間進行一系列維修、翻新和開展新的工程。我們將更換浮 橋的護舷木,當你前往附近範圍時請格外小心,並盡量選擇沒 有進行工程的範圍行走。我們也會更換升降區的護舷膠,以更 好地保護進出水面的船隻。 All of these works are to be completed by the next typhoon season. 所有工程預計能趕及在下一個颱風季節完成。 Another item we would like to bring to the attention of members is that a lot of boats are being anchored in and around club moorings. This increase in boats in the sampan working area is increasing the sampan travel times for members to get to and from their boats. This presents several problems for Ops, especially when we have already reduced sampan service to certain areas to improve the waiting time for members. We are looking at this very closely and will work to come up with a better solution while doing our best to not adversely penalise members affected by this increase of boats in the area. 另一項我們希望會員留意的事情,是許多船隻被固定在會所的 停泊位附近。愈來愈多船隻在舢舨工作位置出現,會令到會員 乘坐舢舨往返船隻的時間增加。這為海事執行委員會帶來一些 難題,特別是我們已削減了部份範圍的舢舨服務,以改善其他 會員的等候上落船的時間。我們正密切注視,並會尋找解決方 法,盡最大努力避免會員受到影響。 The launching service and car parking facilities will be affected due to the construction of the substation and the racks project within the club premises, so please try and help out with a positive attitude where you can. There have been some tempers raised of late and we are doing our best to maintain as much of our usual service as possible during this transition period. 農曆新年期間的特別服務安排仍未確定,請留意會所網頁和告 示板。 10 Hebe jebes • Jan/Feb 2015 受到會所範圍內的電力變壓站和船架工程影響,船隻下水服務 和泊車設施會受阻。請大家幫忙,以正面的態度來看待。目前 已經有了一些怨氣,我們正竭盡所能,這個過渡時期維持正常 服務。 一如既往,請好好享受水上的愉快和安全時光