HEAVEN HAS HEELS Travel Issue | Page 47

shop stop jason scott ’ s success is your MAN ’ S gain .

Known for combining the softest cotton blends with classically tailored garments , Jason Scott brings modern , casual sensibility to New York City ’ s West Village with the opening of his first-ever retail store at 48 8th Avenue .

“ When I first launched the brand , I had no fashion background and was going into a completely different industry ,” says Jason Mandler , the designer behind Jason Scott . “ Now , after only three years , we have this store in New York City which is a huge milestone and a dream come true for us , giving us a footprint in one of the most amazing and competitive cities in the world , among the best brands in the world .”
The NYC flagship store will feature the latest releases from the SS16 collection such as the best-selling Dip Dye Crews and French Terry Shorts . It also stocks Frame Denim , Garrett Leigh Sunglasses and the most recent issues of Kinfolk and MAN of the WORLD magazines — to ensure your man is well rounded .
Providing a new shopping destination for New Yorkers to pick up comfortable , wearable pieces that reflect an effortless aesthetic , Jason Scott will also offer same-day delivery for customers in the area .
The store is open seven days a week and offers private styling appointments . Welcome to the neighborhood ! I know my man definitely is in need of a style makeover . JasonScottClothing . com — JULIA STUART