Heart Home magazine Issue 9 | Page 53

“The living room looks out on to a leafy balcony and then through trees to the London skyline; I never tire of that view” Virginia’s self-described ‘eclectic and thrifty’ style is apparent throughout. Bargain buys including Scandinavian glassware from a charity shop an Ercol sofa and round white dining table found on eBay, sit comfortably alongside more recent purchases including a set of Dutch Tornado shelves, bought as a prop for a photo shoot and sprayed white to make an attractive display area in the living room. What is Virginia’s favourite space? “The living room - it’s here that I keep all my latest finds. Favourites at the moment are my vintage rocking horse, chunky studio pottery and a number of chairs. It looks out on to a leafy balcony and then through trees to the London skyline; I never tire of that view.” For more details of Virginia’s work visit - Roddy & Ginger 53