Healthy Magazine Healthy SoFlo Issue 64 | Page 16

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE ยท SEPTEMBER 2018 BREAST SELF EXAMINATION T he most important and simplest way for a woman to assess the health of her breasts and to find the earliest signs of concern is to perform a Breast Self Examination (BSE) on a regular basis. Each breast should be evenly examined using a flat palm while in front of a mirror. Women should perform a BSE every month, a week or so after menstruating when her breasts are less tender and have fewer and less prominent natural lumps. However, women who have reached menopause can perform a BSE at any time, as long as it's done on a monthly basis. A lump is marble-like and rolls between the palm and chest wall. Any changes in the skin or nipple-areola area, as well as any lumps, should be documented. The armpits and areas above the collarbones should be palpated as well and both nipples should be gently squeezed to see if there is any abnormal discharge. 16 HEALTHY MAGAZINE