Healthy Magazine Healthy SoFlo Issue 61 | Page 25

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE · JUNE 2018 When you’re in your 20s, you have energy, ambition, and the possibility to do anything you set your mind to. Now is the time to figure out what’s right for you, so go out and get a new job, follow your passion, and pursue other goals, no matter how impossible they may seem. Make the most of your potential, energy and skills. STEP AWAY FROM YOUR GOALS IF YOU HAVE TO At your age, you probably worry about missed opportunities. You should know SEIZE THE once it’s gone, it won’t return – at least, OPPORTUNITY not in its original form. Learn to study each opportunity carefully, then, decide whether it’s worth turning down. If it’s good, grab the opportunity like your life depends on it. INVEST IN YOUR (SELF) KNOWLEDGE Learning something new will do a world of good. That new skill might come in handy. Consume knowledge because the more you know, the more your skills are worth. “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin When you’re an adult, who you GROW YOUR know is as NETWORK OF important as CONTACTS what you do. Most people in their 20s don’t realize that. Having a large network of contacts means you’ll always have opportunities at your disposal. The same can be applied rule can be applied to your personal life. EMBRACE CRITICISM Praise feels good, but it’s criticism that will help you become a better adult. Constructive criticism from someone who means well should be embraced. If the criticism comes from envy, it’s confirmation that your work is valuable. FAILURE IS PART OF THE GROWING PROCESS “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill Just because you’ve failed at something doesn’t mean you should give up. Every failure is a step toward success. Failures help you grow. Learn to embrace your failures. LEARN HOW TO HANDLE MONEY TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH Regardless of how hard you’ve worked to earn it, money will disappear if you don’t learn to save it or make sound investments with it. While it’s normal to splurge, you should also have a financial plan to help secure your future. Think of money as a tool to help you achieve your goals. Beginning this habit can be as simple as saving ten percent of your income and maintaining a monthly budget. You probably believe you’re invincible. However, if you don’t take care of your physical health now, it will catch up to you in your 30s. Exercise regularly, watch what you eat, do everything in moderation It’s never too early to prepare for success. Enjoy life as much as you can, but not at your future’s expense. Follow the advice outlined above and you’ll be on your way to success. FIND AN ADDITIONAL SOURCE OF INCOME Instead of solely focusing on a full- time job, find a side project that will increase in profitability in time. In doing so, you’ll have an alternative career to fall back on should something go awry and extra money in your saving account. By Sophia Anderson 25 HEALTHY MAGAZINE