Healthy Magazine Healthy SoFlo Issue 60 | Page 14

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE · MAY 2018 05 WHAT ARE THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF DEPRESSION? Am I suffering from it? Depression is a common debilitating mood disorder that goes beyond a feeling of sadness after a setback or a troubling event. Depression deeply impacts other aspects of your life. It can stymie your productivity and creativity. It can interfere with your personal relationships. It can hamper your ability to work, study, sleep, eat, and your ability to enjoy life. Often, it will leave you feeling helpless and worthless. The feelings can be so intense that you fear you’ll never find relief. It severely alters your day-to-day life. Many people compare it to what it would be like to live in a black hole. People have described it as feeling like they or their lives are empty. It’s important to remember that no two people present in the same way. Feelings may vary from person to person. Depression goes beyond the normal ups and downs of life. The intense feelin