Healthy Magazine Healthy RGV Issue 119 | Page 6



The first time anything new and creative is proposed , it gets labeled . And the label put on these novelties is likely to be “ risky .” Can ’ t you just hear it ?
“ Let me get this straight , Orville . You and Wilbur are building a machine that will do what ? Heavier – than – air flying machines are the riskiest hoax anybody ever palmed off on two gullible boys like you Wrights . Get a real job !”
Or maybe it was somebody ’ s harebrained idea of talking pictures , black and white children attending the same school , or people walking on the moon . More than one person was berated simply for giving voice to such “ silly ” ideas .
It turns out that some of the people who dared to propose such outlandish possibilities are now regarded as geniuses , revolutionaries , heroes . And it was only because they dared to question others and to question themselves . They challenged the limitations others were willing to accept without dispute .
anticipate , and strain every important relationship in your life !
Only you can decide if it will be worth it to undertake something so ambitious and costly . There will be false starts . There will be embarrassing mistakes along the way . But the potential outcome could be as important to your personal situation as the achievements of the Wright brothers , Rosa Parks , and Neil Armstrong were to their time and place .
The problem with our world is not that there are no more frontiers to challenge and conquer . It ’ s that there are too few explorers . There are too few people willing to ask the obvious questions and challenge the traditional wisdom . In a word , too few of us want to take the risks that could make us look stupid .
If you are fortunate enough to have a dream in your heart , be willing to make mistakes in pursuit of it . Be a risk – taker . You just may change the world .
Certainly , there is something in your profession or business , family , or church that could be done better — a situation could be more productive ; a relationship could be healthier ; an objective could be clarified ; some lofty ideal to which all in the group give lip service could actually be implemented . But I warn you up front , like restoring a car or house , it will take twice as long as you think , cost far more than you
With no irreverence intended , I ’ m certain people used that term with Jesus . They called him demon – possessed and crazy , a blasphemer , and an insurrectionist , all because he dared to question conventional wisdom and practices . uestion conventional wisdom and practices .
By Rubel Shelly