Healthy Magazine Healthy RGV Issue 117 | Page 6



One of the best ways to instill good behavior in your child is also one of the most challenging things to get your child to do : chores .

In a culture where bad behavior in kids seems to be growing rapidly , employing your child to contribute to the family , home , or your community , can greatly curb your child ’ s bad behavior or potential for bad behavior .
Katherine Reynolds Lewis , author of The Good News About Bad Behavior , says that when kids aren ’ t asked to contribute to their family , neighborhood or community , “ that really erodes their sense of self-worth — just as it would with an adult being unemployed .”
In addition to this , chores and work help teach your child self-control and self-discipline — both of these are important characteristics to have as an adult .
Chores and work help teach your child self-control and selfdiscipline — both of these are important characteristics to have as an adult .
As valuable as chores are for your children , most likely , if you ’ ve been a parent to a young child , adolescent or even young adult , you know that getting your child to do chores can feel impossible . They argue with you , they throw temper tantrums , or they just plain ignore you when you tell them to clean their room or do the dishes . The battle it requires to get your kids to do chores often takes longer than doing the chores themselves .
I recently talked about this with my friend Rachel Cruz on her show The Rachel Cruz Show .
In our conversation , I discussed a few ways to ensure your child does his chores and learns the value of hard work and obedience .
Reward them for their work .
Growing up with Dave Ramsey as her father , Rachel says she received a “ commission ” for her chores — an allowance that she could use however she wanted , as long as she did her chores .
We all know kids need incentives . They are not mature enough to know the long-term benefits of doing chores . They need something in the hereand-now to encourage them . Lay out a reward system for your child when he does his chores . Whether it ’ s a commission , ice cream , an outing to his favorite arcade , make sure it ’ s something that will motive him enough to complete the task and feel rewarded when he ’ s done .
Stick to the consequences .
Just like you have to lay out a clear reward system for your child to do her chores , you also need to lay out clear consequences for when she doesn ’ t complete them . No work ? No money , or video game time or whatever her reward is .
This is where parents fall down . They don ’ t want to implement consequences because it so often results in a temper tantrum or simply requires energy you probably don ’ t have at the end of the day . But sticking to the consequences is so important because if you show your child that you ’ re not serious about the consequences , she won ’ t do her chores . She will quickly figure out that she will still eventually get her reward anyway , so why put in the work ?
Tell your child what the consequences will be if she doesn ’ t complete her chores , then stick to them .
Don ’ t let your child argue with you .
When kids don ’ t want to do their chores , they draw you into an argument . They argue about why they should have to do their chores or when they should do them . Parents , don ’ t take the bait . When your child starts arguing with you , he ’ s stalling . He ’ s trying to get out of doing the work .
Never argue with your child . Depersonalize it . Simply say , “ I ’ m the one who makes the list of chores and if you do your chores , this is what you get . And if you don ’ t do them , this is what the consequence will be .”
The argument is a trap . Don ’ t fall into it .
Kids need to know how to work . They need to know what selfcontrol is and they need to feel like they are contributing to their home , family , and community .
It might feel like an impossible battle now , but the work you put in will pay off , not only to get your kids to do their chores today , but to instill in them a healthy work ethic , the discipline of self-control and the joy and purpose that comes with being a useful , and employable , part of society .
Kids need to know how to work . They need to know what self-control is and they need to feel like they are contributing to their home , family , and community .
By Meg Meeker MD