Healthy Magazine Healthy RGV Issue 115 | Page 32

How to Beat the Hellish Withdrawals



How to Beat the Hellish Withdrawals
Fun fact . Caffeine is the most commonly used addictive drug in existence . I ’ m not here to tell you what choices to make . I ’ m here to portray the facts , so you can make an educated decision . If you struggle with fatigue and anxiety and you slug caffeine all day long , take a step back , read the facts , and make an informed decision about whether to go caffeine free or not .
Why would I give up caffeine ? Kicking caffeine is not for everyone . I know people who can ’ t function without their Starbucks . To me , that ’ s a problem .
Ask yourself this : If caffeine wasn ’ t available , how productive would you be ? Most would be brain dead zombies . Personally , I don ’ t want to be reliant on substances . After years of large caffeine consumption , I am now 100 % caffeine free . You too can be caffeine free , but I must warn you . Kicking caffeine is not for the faint of heart . The change doesn ’ t happen overnight . Know that the goal is for long-term self-improvement . It will make everything seem difficult , but if you stick with it , you won ’ t regret it . The benefits are worth the struggle .
CAFFEINE IS AN ADDICTIVE DRUG Caffeine is one of the most widely accepted addictive drugs on the planet . Giving it up comes with side effects . Many people experience withdrawals . After giving it up and surviving the withdrawals : 1 . You ’ ll have consistent energy levels throughout the day . 2 . You ’ ll have decreased stress and anxiety levels . 3 . You ’ ll wake up easier and feel more refreshed . 4 . You ’ ll save money . 5 . You ’ ll get harder erections .
CAFFEINE WITHDRAWAL – THE UGLY TRUTH Before you reap the benefits of being caffeine-free , you must survive hellish withdrawals . Caffeine withdrawal is real . It can last for months . I ’ ll share the withdrawal symptoms I experienced : ɪɪ
Headache ɪɪ Insomnia ɪɪ Fatigue ɪɪ Depression ɪɪ Anxiety ɪɪ Irritability ɪɪ Muscle pain and stiffness ɪɪ Lack of concentration ɪɪ Flu-like symptoms
MY PERSONAL CAFFEINE WITHDRAWALS SYMPTOMS Here are my personal symptoms I experienced after being a slave to the drug for years of my life . Some of you will feel better in weeks . Others can take as long as a year for their brain to fully return to its pre-caffeinated state .
Here ’ s my caffeine detox timeline :
Week 1 Extreme fatigue . Concentration was near impossible this week . I also developed a slight cold .
Week 2 – 4 Depression set in along with the extreme fatigue . It was accompanied by increased anxiety levels . This lasted over 2 weeks . It feels like it ’ s never going to end , but you will get through it .
Month 2 Depression and anxiety subsided , but life felt dull and bland . As the month went on , I began feeling better for short periods of time . My sleep improved .
Month 3 I felt better for
Things that may help with caffeine withdrawal :
longer . Waves of fatigue and fogginess would happen . There were good and bad weeks .
Month 4 This is when things finally turned around . The dull , foggy mind was about 80 % clearer . I was excited to do stuff . All my sacrifices were finally worth it .
Month 5 ( My current month ) Awesome . The brain fog and dullness are gone ! I wake up feeling refreshed and energized . I ’ m lively all the time . My wit is back . My mind is sharp . I have good mental balance and no anxiety .
This is not Easy
This isn ’ t for everyone , but I assure you , you can benefit from being
caffeine-free .
1 . Drink a lot of water . 2 . Taper off with caffeine . No need to go cold turkey . Give your brain time to catch up . 3 . Light exercise . 4 . L-Theanine – an herb that helps with anxiety .
5 . Quit Caff – A special blend of vitamins and herbs to help your body adapt to stress and quit caffeine .
6 . Astragalu Root – Amazing ! It ’ s a Chinese adaptogenic that helps with fatigue , stress , and raises your chi .
7 . Healthy diet .
By Sean Russell