Healthy Magazine Healthy RGV Issue 114 | Page 26

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE · MAY 2018 HOW TO TREAT HORMONAL IMBALANCES F or ages, doctors have told us to listen to our bodies. That advice has never been wiser than when it comes to hormonal symptoms. These are our body’s way of communicating to us that something we are doing needs an adjustment. One small change can yield incredible results. Hormone replacement therapy is a temporary band-aid, if you will. It is used to suppress symptoms and, therefore, ignores the root cause of why our hormones have been thrown out of whack in the first place. These hormonal imbalances can be triggered from any number of factors, including chronic stress, poor or unhealthy dietary habits, and the buildup of toxins within our system. Despite the many factors that can contribute to the root cause of hormonal imbalances, there are simple and powerful interventions that can help your system fully recover and help to resolve the underlying symptoms that caused the imbalance. Here are three strategies to implement in your life if you want to achieve overall balance and good health: 01 Implement a stress management strategy, even if you don’t feel like you’re up to it. Stress plays a major role in causing hormonal imbalances. Unperceived chronic stress from our modern lifestyles builds up and produces stress hormones within the body. These accumulating stress hormones wreak havoc on our health over time. Search for ways to minimize your stress or reverse the levels with stress management tools. Small changes can make a big impact. For instance, try simple guided meditations for 2 – 3 minutes per day, then gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable with the practice. Measure the difference in your quality of life after a month of regular practice. Or try mindfulness training, breathing techniques, nature walks, dancing, singing, exercising, yoga, tai chi, CBT, guided visualization, interval training, smiling, laughing, or seek social support. The most important thing is taking time for yourself and really enjoying whatever you choose to do. 02 Clean up your diet by excluding inflammatory foods such as gluten, grains, dairy, sugar, and processed foods. Change your diet to a nutrient-dense diet that focuses on fresh whole foods with plenty of minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids to fill the micronutrient gaps you might have. Anti- inflammatory foods are abundant and include wild fish, grass-fed meats, pasture raised chicken, and organic fruits and vegetables. “ These hormonal imbalances can be triggered from any number of factors, including chronic stress, poor or unhealthy dietary habits, and the buildup of toxins within our system. 03 Detoxification is a major component in combating a hormonal imbalance. This has to do with ridding your body of things it doesn’t need or elements that have been proven to be harmful to the body. Remember that everything that touches our skin enters our bloodstream within three seconds. Give your body a break from avoidable chemicals and toxins. From solvents, resins and plasticizers in our nail products, to the mercury and lead in our cosmetics prove that toxins are everywhere. To avoid them, eat organic produce and drink plenty of pure filtered water. Buy organic cleaning products and cosmetics. Buy household plants to filter the air inside your home. Empower yourself by implementing these three strategies and help your body restore its natural balance. By Elianni Gaio 26 HEALTHY MAGAZINE