Healthy Eating Plan November 2103 | Page 2

Change the way you think about eating! I really don’t like the word ‘diet’. I find it’s not a positive word. Saying that I was going on a diet, made me feel like as if I was depriving myself of food even before I’d started one. My personal trainer also told me that it’s a well known fact that most people who go on a diet, end up heavier 12 months on, than what they were prior to going on a diet. Who wants that? So, what I like to focus on is - healthy eating for life. That works better than a diet. I mean, look at it this way, you’re an intelligent person, you know what’s good for your body & what’s not good. No one’s psyche is gong to tell them that it’s okay to consume an entire tub of Maggie Beer Ice -Cream, no matter how great or fresh the ingredients are! So let’s take a look at some guidelines of what a healthy eating plan consists of. Please note: The information provided here is only my opinion & what I have found works for me. This is a guideline for a healthy eating plan. If you are overweight & would like to start a healthy eating plan, please check with your doctor - you should do so before changing any eating plan or commencing an