Health&Wellness Magazine October 2015 | Page 18

18 & October 2015 | Read this issue and more at | Like us @healthykentucky they have a greater than 1 in 5 chance women should still be aware of and of developing breast cancer during check themselves regularly for lumps their lifetime. On the other hand, the developing in the breast or axilla (armUSPSTF recommends women have pit), especially if they have a family hisannual mammograms beginning at age tory of breast cancer” said Dr. Harston. 50 and ending when they reach the “If a young woman has a family history age of 74. They also recommend the of breast cancer they should consider frequency of breast screenings be every starting screening early with mammoBy Sarah Wilder, Lexington Clinic two years instead of every year. They grams and/or breast MRI. We offer suggest that women with risk factors free risk assessments to women who are for breast cancer start getting mammoconcerned about their risk to determine 1 out of every 8 women (12%) will fighting this disease, because treatment grams earlier after consulting with their if they qualify for extra screening with develop invasive breast cancer in their is more effective when cancer is caught physicians. breast MRI.” lifetime. This year alone, more than early. Furthermore, early detection The Center for Breast Care at “If at 40 thousand women will die from with mammograms reduces the severLexington Clinic supports the any point a breast cancer. However alarming those ity of treatment. For example, breast American Cancer Society’s recommenwoman, or Ronald Reagan was the 40th president. numbers may be, the good news is that conserving therapy is adequate in most dation for yearly mammograms beginher primary “The Golden werethis fast becoming friends on theircare firstphysiseason many of these deaths can be prevented cancers caught at an early stage whereas ning atGirls” age 40 because regimen with yearly screening mammograms. removing the entire breast and addclearly saves the most number of lives. cian, detects Athegallon cost As important as mammograms are, ing chemotherapy may be necessary Even USPSTFof hasgas admitted thatone dollar and twentya cents. new breast only 67% of women ages 40 years and when the cancer has reached advanced this would save far more lives compared lump, an older have received one within the last stages.” with their recommendations. Some are appointment two years. Common excuses about this Currently, there are two sets of concerned that USPSTF recommendawith a breast procedure, including, “It hurts,” “I’m recommendations for breast cancer tions are influenced more by public imager should too young to get breast cancer,” “I hear screening, one recommended by the health policies and economic issues be made,” Chad W. Harston, M.D. Dr. Harston it’s cold,” and “They’re too expensive,” American Cancer Society (ACS) and rather than clinical experience. keep women from having this simple differing recommendations by the While recommendations differ on continued. procedure, which in some cases could U.S. Preventative Services Task Force when regular mammograms should “Mammograms and breast ultrasound be lifesaving. (USPSTF). begin, the medical community agrees are used to determine if the lump is “Yearly screening mammograms are The American Cancer Society’s on one thing: doing nothing is not caused by something benign like a cyst the best way to detect breast cancer longstanding recommendation is for encouraged. Women as young as 20 or if it represents a tumor. If a cancer is early in most women” said Chad W. women to have yearly mammograms years old should begin receiving clinifound, additional imaging with breast Harston, M.D., Lexington Clinic physiRonald Reagan was the Reagan 40thMRI was president. 40th president. beginning at age 40. Also the ACS cal breast examinations andRonald also begin isthe extremely helpful to determine cian and the only fellowship-trained recommends that women with a fam- “The Golden checkingGirls” themselves home for any fast how is.TV. Knowing “The Golden wereatfast Girls” becoming were friends becoming onadvanced theirfriends first the season ondisease their onfirst season on TV mammographer in Central Kentucky. ily history of breast cancer should get concerning changes. this allows physicians to determine A gallon of gas A gallon cost one of dollar gas cost and one twenty dollar cents. and twenty cents. the “Detecting breast cancer early is key to additional screening with breast MRI if “While breast cancer is more combest treatment for the patient.” mon among older women, younger Battling the Mammogram Excuses T H E HHH