Health&Wellness Magazine June 2016 | Page 6

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17 Foods That Help You Lose Weight

The secret is to eat fewer calories than you burn
You can only lose weight if you eat fewer calories than you burn . Some foods can help you lose weight because they make you feel full longer and help curb cravings . Here are 17 foods that may help you lose weight .
1 . Eggs .
Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats . They make you feel full with few calories . A power-packed protein breakfast can help you resist snacking throughout the day . A study conducted on a group of obese women showed those who started the day with 35 grams of protein felt fuller immediately . Their breakfast included eggs and a sausage patty ; they ate a 350-calorie breakfast overall . The women snacked less on sugary , fatty foods than women who had cereal for breakfast .
2 . Nuts .
Just a handful of peanuts , almonds , walnuts or pecans as snacks makes you eat less at later meals . Nuts contain balanced amounts of fiber , protein and healthy fats . People who ate an ounce of nuts daily had higher levels of the feel-good hormone serotonin , which can act as an appetite suppressant . Studies show eating nuts can improve metabolic rate and cause weight loss . Higher serotonin levels may reduce stress levels , which is a big help when it comes to fighting belly fat .
By Harleena Singh , Staff Writer
3 . Yogurt .
With its trifecta of protein , carbs and fats , yogurt can stave off hunger by keeping blood sugar levels steady , according to a Harvard study that followed over 120,000 people for several years .
4 . Grapefruit .
According to research , when obese people ate half a grapefruit or drank grapefruit juice before each meal , they lost nearly three and a half pounds over 12 weeks . However , there are no proven fat-burning properties in grapefruit ; it just helps people feel full . And you cannot eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice if you are taking certain medicines , so check with your doctor before consuming it .
5 . Apples .
Choose a crunchy apple instead of apple juice or applesauce , as whole fruits make you feel more full , compared to juices and sauces . Apple is high in pectin , a soluble fiber that helps you feel full . Chewing slowly sends a signal to your brain that you ’ ve eaten something significant .
6 . Avocados .
Avocados are high in monosaturated fatty acids , which help reduce belly fat . Studies indicate the fats in avocados can increase your nutrient uptake .
7 . Soup .
You may end up eating less if you start a meal with a cup of soup , keeping the serving to 100 to 150 calories . It could be pureed or chunky – either is all right as long as it ’ s broth-based .
8 . Green Tea .
Sipping green tea all through the day boosts your metabolism , suppresses your appetite and keeps you well hydrated , too .
9 . Dark Chocolate .
Opt for dark over milk chocolate . In a study , people who were given dark chocolate ate 15 percent less pizza a few hours later than those who had eaten milk chocolate .
10 . Beans .
They are a great source of protein , besides being inexpensive . Because they are high in fiber and slow to digest , beans make you feel full longer , which may stop you from eating more .
11 . Hummus . If you keep hummus in your fridge , you ’ ll never have to choose an unhealthy snack again . Smear this protein-packed condiment on raw veggies , add it to salad or greens or use it in place of mayo on a sandwich and save tons of calories in the process .
12 . Chia Seeds .
They are full of protein , fiber and omega 3s . Because of the fiber , they can absorb nearly 11 to 12 times their weight in water , turning gel-like and expanding in the stomach . They plump when added to any liquid , so they make you feel more full and satisfied with smaller portions . You can sprinkle them on your oatmeal or enjoy an overnight chia pudding for breakfast .
13 . Salmon .
Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce blood pressure and maintain a healthier heart .
They also help reduce the inflammation that plays a major part in obesity and metabolic disease . Salmon ’ s high protein content makes it a great choice for losing weight .
14 . Lentils .
These are a bona fide belly flattener . Eating lentils helps prevent insulin spike , which causes your body to create excess fat , especially in the abdominal area .
15 . Leafy greens .
Leafy greens such as spinach , kale , collards and Swiss chard are low in calories and carbohydrates , but they are loaded with fiber .
16 . Berries .
Studies indicate that the antioxidant anthocyanin found in berries can alter gene activity in fat cells , making it harder to gain weight .
17 . Whole Grains . Oats , brown rice and quinoa can help you feel full and thus lose weight .
About the Author Harleena Singh is a professional freelance writer and blogger who has a keen interest in health and wellness . She can be approached through her blog ( www . aha-now . com ) and Web site , www . harleenasingh . com . Connect with her on Twitter , Facebook and Google +.
You may end up eating less if you start a meal with a cup of soup .