Health&Wellness Magazine June 2016 | Page 35

It is best to use vegetables while they are fresh .

Vegetables : A Delight for the Health Conscious

Mom was right – they ’ re good for you
By Jean Jeffers , Staff Writer
“ Eat your vegetables ; they ’ re good for you .” Was that your mom ’ s mantra when you were growing up ? Moms today say much the same thing , and it ’ s still true : Vegetables are one of the best foods you can include in your diet on a regular basis .
Vegetables are a boon to the cook who ’ s interested in health and proper nutrition for herself and her family . Not only are vegetables low in calories , they are also low in fat and an excellent source of vitamins and minerals . Essential vitamins such as B complex , A , C and K are all found in vegetables , as well as foliate and vitamin E . All the greenyellow-orange vegetables are rich in these vitamins , and they also contain calcium , magnesium , iron , beta-carotene and potassium .
Vegetables are a great source of antioxidants – those phytochemicals that help fight free radicals , enabling the body to guard against disease , cancer and oxidative stress . Phytochemicals also strengthen the immune system .
Additionally , vegetables are loaded with fiber , both soluble and insoluble . Some examples of the excellent fiber vegetables have are cellulose , mucilage , gums and pectin . These types of fiber effectively absorb excess water in the colon , retain the needed moisture in the waste products and allow for their smooth passage out of the body , thus aiding in regularity .
Eating a rainbow of fresh vegetables on a daily basis helps reduce the risk of many chronic diseases . Broccoli , tomatoes and spinach all have super-food status because of the many benefits they provide for the body . Some of their elements and benefits include : 1 . Calcium – which promotes healthy bones and teeth . It is also necessary for muscles , nerves and some glands .
2 . Fiber – it decreases your risk of coronary heart disease and regulates blood cholesterol levels .
3 . Potassium – it may help maintain healthy blood pressure .
4 . Foliate – it aids in the formation of healthy red blood cells .
5 . Magnesium – it works with enzymes in your body as well as developing healthy bones . 6 . Vitamin C – it helps heal cuts and wounds and provides healthy teeth and gums .
7 . Vitamin A – it maintains eye and skin health and protects against infection . Eating a diet with a heavy concentration of vegetables reduces the risk of succumbing to diseases such as stroke , cancer , heart disease and type 2 diabetes . A rule of thumb is to eat four cups of vegetables daily .
When you bring fresh vegetables home , the first thing to do is wash them . Rinse them under the tap ,
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then in salt water for a few minutes . Swish them in cool water to be sure they are clean . It is best to use vegetables while they are fresh , so when shopping , buy only a small amount at a time and replenish the supply daily or every other day . Some vegetables have a very short shelf life and the healthy benefits that come from their vitamins decline with age . If they require storing , place them in plastic Ziploc bags to preserve their nutrition until you use them .
Sources and Resources National Institute of Health Facts Sheets on Health , 2015
U . S . Department of Agriculture : “ Why Is it Important to Eat Vegetables ?”
It is best to use vegetables while they are fresh .