Health & Nutrition Health and Nutrition - February | Page 53

late may o c o h c e il Wh vonoids la f e r o m contain such as s d o o f n a th getables, e v d n a s it fru the other in r e w lo it’s ts and n ie r t u n , s vitamin ontribute c t a h t e r fib alue of v ll a r e v o to the r foods. e h t o e s e h t THE TYPE OF FAT IS KEY WHEN IT COMES TO CHOCOLATE T ake a close look at the ingredients list the next time you buy a candy bar. As a general rule, if cocoa butter is listed as one of the only fats, the candy is typically less likely than others to contain fats that contribute to high cholesterol. Cocoa butter is converted into an unsaturated fat in the liver and has neutral effects on cholesterol levels. On the other hand, if the ingredients list includes milk, especially whole milk, or the words ‘hydrogenated’ or ‘partially hydrogenated’, it’s typically more likely to contribute to higher cholesterol. Milk fat contains saturated fat and cholesterol, and hydrogenation makes a fat more saturated. Hydrogenation can also change the fat molecule into its ‘trans’ form. Trans fatty acids can raise total and LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol and lower HDL (‘good’) cholesterol. butter, milk (typically whole milk), sugar and other ingredients are added. This often adds fat and reduces the flavonoids content. Here’s what each type of chocolate contains: Y Unsweetened chocolate – This is a mixture of cocoa powder and refined cocoa butter. It’s too bitter to eat and is used mainly in baking. Y Dark chocolate – This contains cocoa, cocoa butter and varying amounts of sugar. Y Milk chocolate – Milk chocolate contains cocoa, cocoa butter, varying amounts of sugar and milk. Occasionally, flavours such as vanilla are added. Y White chocolate – There’s no cocoa in this type of chocolate. It consists of cocoa butter or other fats, sugar, milk and flavourings. AN OCCASIONAL TREAT Despite possible heart benefits, chocolate remains a food that should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. That’s because chocolate products are high in sugar, fat and calories. While chocolate may contain more flavonoids than foods such as fruits and vegetables, it’s lower in the other vitamins, nutrients and fibre that contribute to the overall value of these other foods. HEALTH & NUTRITION February 2018 53