Health Matters - Apple Magazine Health Matters Spring 2016 | Page 4

Early warning for illness Early diagnosis = more successful treatment Screening tests and tools are used to detect diseases in their early stages or diseases that don’t have visible signs. The screening tests and tools your primary care doctor recommends for you and your family are often based on your age, lifestyle and your personal and family history. Dr. Jim Dickinson, a family medicine professor at the University of Calgary and a member of the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care, recommends some tests only be taken after talking to your doctor about the benefits and risks of the tests. This table lists common screening tests and tools in Alberta. What Who & When Notes Screening tools Behaviours Smoking M/F 15 + During regular visits Your doctor will ask if you smoke or use tobacco Height, weight & waist M/F all ages Every 2 to 5 years Your body mass index gauges many health risks Physical activity M/F all ages Every 2 to 5 years Active living promotes health; inactive living promotes illness Alcohol & drugs M/F 15 + Every 2 to 5 years Drinking more than the recommended limits increases risks to you and those around you Safety M/F all ages During regular visits Your approach to safety such as seatbelts, helmet, high-risk sports, etc. Sun exposure/protection M/F all ages During regular visits Time in sun and use of hats, clothing and sunscreens to prevent skin cancer Family history M/F 15 + Every 5 years Your family’s genes and experiences affect your health Contraception & sexually transmitted diseases M/F 15 to 50 who During regular visits are sexually active Pregnancy planning, STDs can be passed to others Vitamin D M/F 15 + During regular visits Vitamin D essential to healthy bones, teeth, muscles and nerves Your primary care doctor can advise how much to take Fruits, vegetables and salt M/F all ages During regular visits Eating more fruits, vegetables and less salt a boost to health Dietary Folate/folic acid F planning pregnancy During regular visits prior to and during pregnancy iv    Health Matters: A Calgary & Area Primary Care Networks Publication A vitamin that prevents certain birth defects