Health is Vital for Student Success: An Overview of Relevant Research | Page 14

Pueblo City Schools: Pueblo, Colorado Pueblo City Schools (PCS) and partners from community mental health centers, the police department, justice systems, community organizations, and families used a Safe Schools/Healthy Students federal grant to create the System of Care. PCS bolstered its behavioral health services by placing school-based mental health therapists at four wellness centers— two at middle schools and two at high schools in the district. School leaders trained staff to implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and a bullying prevention program. Through the PBIS efforts, schools reduced office discipline referrals significantly, which increased student classroom time and reduced administrative time spent on discipline issues. Over 600 students received services per year during approximately 3,000 encounters. The number of youth clients at the community mental health centers and other community-based outpatient facilities did not decrease, indicating that the services in the school reached a population of youths who were not previously accessing services. The system also saved the community an estimated $239,000 because of decreased visits by students to emergency rooms. 12