Health is Vital for Student Success: An Overview of Relevant Research | Page 10

Recommendations: Things We Can Do to Make a Difference While many schools are implementing evidence-based health-promoting programs, they are not implemented consistently in the education system. Leaders in education research and policy, as well as parents and students, have called for health to be integrated into the core mission of schools.46 At the same time, high school graduation has emerged as a key priority in health and had been identified as a leading health indicator.47,48 Schools are not expected to address all of the health needs of students alone. Collaboration, coordination, and co-action are required at the federal, state, and local levels among partners in education, public health, health services, and community organizations.49 There is a broad consensus among education and health stakeholders that a multicomponent, coordinated approach that includes policy, programs, and practices is necessary to effectively address health-related barriers to learning.50 Indeed, capacity is an often-cited need for schools to adequately address the health needs of students. To help schools make their environments, staff, and students healthier, numerous stakeholders are engaged in Colorado Healthy Schools Collective Impact. Partners in this work align efforts and resources to help students reach their full potential in school and life. Learn more at 8