Health Destination Pharmacy Trial – Case studies Health Destination Pharmacy Trial – Case studies | Page 11

The team in this pharmacy realised that they had all the right elements in place to position themselves as a health destination, but that their processes and procedures were letting them down. True teamwork Engaging staff through staff meetings gave them confidence to change and ‘buy-in’ to the health destination concept. Using shared goal setting and incentives has ensured ongoing motivation to change. They recognise the importance of ongoing review and feedback to maintain motivation. Coaching helped us get going Registration is just one part of the process for new professional programs and the owner of this pharmacy found that having an authentic coach provided them with the motivation and tools to effectively implement them. They also recognised that assistance was needed from the coach to educate pharmacists and facilitate changes in behaviour – a message sometimes best received from a third party. “I registered for all of those practice incentives as soon as I was able to but I wasn’t implementing them, well not like we do now… we’re doing more professional services than we would have on our own. (The coach) taught us how to implement those new services properly and effectively, and in a fun way. That was the thing – because she was a pharmacist and she’s (done it) herself and she knows exactly the bits and pieces, the different workings of a pharmacy. She’s not just a pencil pusher that’s never been in a live situation.” CASE STUDY 2 KEY LEARNINGS ABOUT THE HEALTH DESTINATION PHARMACY TRIAL In 2012-13, as part of its commitment to building capability in pharmacy and positioning the profession for the future, PSA conducted a trial to test the feasibility of a changed model of pharmacy practice in which the pharmacist is repositioned as a primary healthcare provider and the pharmacy as a healthcare destination. The 14 participating pharmacies received assistance to make changes to their business model to achieve sustainable delivery of consumer-focused health services, enhance the pharmacy’s image as a health care destination, and improve its long-t \