Health Department | Page 9

a direct pathway from the ground surface to the aquifers. This potential threat is the reason why identifying and assuring the sealing of abandoned water wells is a high priority, and why these efforts are a part of the Health Department’s strategic plan. Water Well Program staff will continue to enhance their efforts to identify and assure the sealing of abandoned water wells by increasing public and community awareness and by stepping up investigation and enforcement activities. Goal: Reduce the Percentage of Adults and Children in Lake County Who are Overweight or Obese By October 1, 2014, work with collaborative partners to develop a countywide active living brand and plan to increase physical activity, healthy eating and quality of life. Progress: Goal Met This objective began as an idea in the Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) Active Living subcommittee. Board of Health member and Forest Preserve District President Ann Maine and County Board Chairman Aaron Lawlor expanded this objective to reflect additional concepts to the Lake County branding effort named “Lake County Life”. In 2014, three meetings were held between County Administration, Lake County Partners, Lake County Tourism Bureau, Lake County Forest Preserves, Lake County Stormwater Management Commission and the Lake County Health Department. The branding objectives were as follows: 9