Healing Manna November 2015 | Page 11


King David, Mighty King and Man of Valour with a great following and loved by Israel. God was with Him, in Him and upon Him. God surrounded Him and God favoured Him. In all his greatness, David had flaws. He lied to protect himself, faking madness, rather than depending on the strong Arm of God to protect him. The God he KNEW from years of intimate personal experiences, big and small alike. David fell prey to the trappings of women and success, taking for himself forbidden wives more than one and a harem of women. If that was not enough, David yearned for what was not his. Bathsheba. Instead of being in and at the frontline of war where he was meant to be, David was at home in a position of rest.

And in this position he fell into temptation. He lusted. Not willing to let go, he took Bathsheba. She had no say in the matter. She had to obey and do the will of The King. She had to surrender and submit. As if that was not enough, she became pregnant and became the victim of foul play. A sick plot that saw her beloved murdered, her husband, her lover, her friend. King David became a liar, cheater and murderer because of this sin.

King David, Mighty King and Man of Valour with a great following and loved by Israel. God was with Him, in Him and upon Him. God saw all that David did, yet He never forsook him and never left him. He stayed and remained and abided with David. Through it all, for David, God stood tall. God did not relent and I believe it grieved God to let David be held accountable for his grievances against the Law. David knew the Law and knew the consequences of the Law but as a Monarch, he had higher authority and escaped the normal punishments required. God could not turn the other cheek and even though David did not pay in a direct way like a normal keeper of The Law would - being stoned to death for adultery and paying an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth for a life he took - there were dire consequences indirectly for David. The baby that was conceived died at birth. Retribution for Bathsheba's husband. One life for another. His adultery meant that his son, Solomon, became a serial husband and lover after the example of his father and stole away the heart of Israel to foreign gods. His son Absalom revolted and caused an uprising against David and his rule, in the process endeavouring to usurp his Father and take the Throne by force. It cost his life and grieved David deeply. David even sinned against God by bidding a census to count the number of his army when God clearly forbid him to do so.

King David. Man after God's own heart. David chose God and God chose David. When other's were seeing a Shepherd Boy, God saw a King. When other's saw a black sheep of the family who had no real value or significance in stature or position, God saw a Deliverer. When others saw an uneducated and uninformed and untrained young man of no standing, God saw a qualified and highly trained Ruler, Governor and Prophet. David in all his marvellous and favourable genetic make-up by God, was a man who knew sorrows, he knew despair, he knew defeat, he knew fear, he knew unbelief, he knew pain, he knew rejection, he knew envy, he knew friendship, he knew kinship, he knew love. David was fully man made in the image and likeness of Deity. David walked and lived fully human in all his splendour, strengths and weaknesses. Just like us, David was powerful in and through God, he trusted God, he was confident in himself and his own abilities, and at times He released his faith and dependence on God to lean on his arm of flesh and his own understanding.

After all was said and done, David was still a man after God's own heart. He remained on the Throne until his days were done. God always pursued David, always supported him and always corrected Him. God always encouraged David and God always protected David. God always sought God and God always gave him counsel. God pardoned David and God had purpose with David. God was passionate about David. God was on his side. God looked out for him and God trusted him. God kept him and provided for him. God kept His covenant, His Word and His Promise that He made in past eternal with King David. The Davidic covenant still stands and Jesus has taken position on The Throne of David, ruling as the King of Kings in our hearts.

The Power of Association. TRUST GOD. Rather fall into the hands of God than the hand of man. God is the best connection you can or ever will make. God is the greatest Associate and Association to have and to covet.