Healing Manna JULY 2015 | Page 6

POWER TO EFFECT CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE LIFEDonec sit amet dui vivamus id ipsum donec sit

As a citizen of heaven on earth, you have authority in heaven and on earth because of the name of Jesus. See, anywhere the name of Jesus has influence, you also have influence. It is written: “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:9-10)

The name of Jesus has influence in heaven, on earth and even in hell. Anything or being that bows to the name of Jesus is inferior to you and must bow to you in the name of Jesus. Why? This is because you have been given the name of Jesus Christ as your sceptre or rod of authority to rule and reign as king and priest. This is what Apostle Peter said to the lame at the beautiful gate who asked for alms: “But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but I give you what I have; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (Acts 3:6, you can read the rest Acts 3:1-10).

Peter told the lame man I didn’t have money to give you but what I have is the name of Jesus. The only thing my Master Jesus gave me was His name. He said to me while He was with us that I could get anything done in His name. It is written: “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (John 14:13-14)

Beloved, the name of Jesus is our spiritual authority and rod to do and undo. To us who are children of God, the name of Jesus in our hands is like rod of Moses in his hands in the land of Egypt and wilderness. With the rod Moses parted the red sea and did many signs and wonders in Egypt and wilderness. Behold that which is greater than the rod of Moses is here! This is the name of Jesus.

Peter said what I have I give unto you. Peter had the name of Jesus as his inheritance or possession. See, the name of Jesus is your inheritance and rod to do signs and wonders. It is your sceptre of power to judge the wicked or enemies of God. It is your rod of authority to part the red sea of life, and rule and reign over your oppressors.

It is only sceptre of authority you have in the spirit realm to pull down, to overrule, to root out, pluck up, build up and plant.

The question is: do you have the name of Jesus as peter had it? Do you see the name of Jesus as your rod of power or spiritual authority in the spirit realm? Do you have faith in the name of Jesus? Do you believe that the name of Jesus will do what the word of God says it will do? Have you not been familiarized with the name of Jesus that you have lost sense of value for it? When you say in Jesus name in prayer, do you believe that you will have what you have asked for?