Healing Manna JULY 2015 | Page 4

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Angels of God are real and they are in the world today in millions to help the children of God in all situations of life. In this book you will learn:

1. Who angels are

2. Why you need them in your life

3. How to put them to work

4 .What they can do for you

5. They care for you

6. You are guarded always by angels

You can never remain the same after you have gone through this book

God has designed this book to change your status and add value to your life.He wants to change your past orientation about yourself. He wants to give you His plan for your life. He wants to reveal to you who you are and your significance to His plan on earth now. He wants to tell you what you can do and what He can do through you. He wants you to know what He has created you for