Healing Manna JULY 2015 | Page 15

In other words, Satan is limited. He can’t do anything against you until you permit him to do it. He can only go as far as you allow him or his agents to operate in your life. It is written: “Do you not know that if you yield yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)

Beloved, you are the only man or woman who can mess your life up in this world. It is only you that can stop you from the good life of happiness and success that God has planned for you in. God has given you a power at creation to decide matters here in the earth. And that is why it is only you that dictate circumstances that surround you not the devil as a child of God. You have to know this fact.

The power that God has given you is the power of choice. He created you with the power of choice and with that power you can do and undo. You can be happy or unhappy. You can be a success or a failure. You can be rich or poor. You can be somebody or nobody.

Consciously or unconsciously, you have been using this power over the years to your advantage or disadvantage. But God is calling your attention to the truth that your success, peace, joy and prosperity is in your hand. As far as God is concerned, year 2015 will bring you blessings, abundance, success, prosperity, joy, peace, etc but you will determine your lot at the end via your choices this year.

God is not a liar and flatterer. What He said that He would do that He would do in your life but you will determine what will be your portion via your choices.

With the power of choice you can allow God in your affairs or you don’t. And also you can allow Satan or man to ruin your life. To the degree you allow God in your life He will bless and help you, and to the degree you allow Satan or man he will destroy you. That is why no man or devil can mess you up or stop you from a happy life this year.

It is your choices that will determine your testimony by the end of this year. You have blamed the devil for all your problems all these years. You have accused one or two people for your failure last year. You have got to be responsible for all the events of your life this year 2015 via the power of choice. No man can impose any condition until you agree or accept it.

You are reading this magazine now because you want to. You choose to eat or not to eat. You choose whom to love or hate. You choose to forgive or not to forgive. That is the power that God Almighty has given you to become great in life and when you submit it to God, you become an invincible force in the world.

Beloved, life is about choices. Consciously or unconsciously, you make choices that make or mar you per minute. Your choices dictate the course of your life. They determine your tomorrow. Choices you made yesteryears determine your today. You are your choices.

Daily you make choices about your life, future, finance, career and marriage which will culminate into your being happy or unhappy, successful or unsuccessful, rich or poor. Nobody is responsible for your failure and poverty.

You family background is not responsible for your mediocrity or backwardness.

It is you who is responsible for your failure, poverty and shame through your choices.

Friend, you can be happy this year. You can be prosperous and successful. Your business can blossom this year. Your marriage can be heaven on earth this year. You can turn your shame and failure to dignity and success. If you will begin to make choices that will make you happy and prosperous, your life will change forever. If you will begin to deliberately follow God’s instructions for success, peace and prosperity, you will laugh this year. It is written: “Poverty and disgrace come to him who ignores instruction, but he who heeds (listen to) reproof is honoured” (Prov.13:18)

Follow God’s prescriptions for happy life and you will escape poverty and disgrace this year. When you choose to stand up to face your challenges, God will stand up with you in order to see you through. You’ve suffered enough; it is time to enjoy by making right and good choices! God didn’t design you a waste, refuse to live as a nonentity. If you are not born again, you need to choose to be born again today. To go to hell fire or heaven is a matter of choice. It is your choice that will make you a candidate of heaven or hell fire. Choose life today so that your name can be written in the book of life. . If you want to give your life to Christ, say this prayer along with me: Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I recognize myself today as a sinner that needs your mercy, I now ask that you forgive me all my sins and wash me clean in the blood of the Lamb of God. I take you at your word. I confess that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead. Thank you for coming into my heart, for giving me your Holy Spirit as you have promised, and for being my Lord. Amen.